Red banner with Lead with Tempo 2023 and a circular profile picture of Aladrian Goods

Twenty questions with…Aladrian Goods

Rachel McConnell
Lead with Tempo


Meet Aladrian, Content design manager at Intuit, and one of our expert speakers at Lead with Tempo.

What was the last meal you cooked?

Uhh, I heated up my leftover burrito? Does that count?

Dogs or cats?


What’s the one book that’s changed your life?

Never Eat Alone, Keith Ferazzi.

Popcorn or ice-cream?

Ice cream all day.

Who inspires you?

My granny and my great aunts.

What was the last good thing you watched — series or film?

The Circle Season 5 on Netflix.

Introvert? Extrovert? Or both?

Ambivert, so both. Anti-social extrovert.

Which app do you use the most?

Probably Instagram and Spotify is a close second.

Night out or night in?

Depends, who all gon’ be there?

What’s your drink of choice (soft or otherwise)?

I love room temp water with a lemon.

Adult beverages? Tequila soda with Lime and a Tajin rim.

The worst advice you’ve ever been given?

Be neutral.

When was the last time you laughed till you cried?

Omg, just recently my friend Kyle is a hoot 😂

Early bird or night owl?

Night owl.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

Don’t believe everything you think.

Where’s your favourite holiday destination?

Anywhere with a vibe, a view, and culture.

What one thing would you do if you were president/prime minister for the day?

Pay off all student loans for real this time.

Who would play you in a movie of your life?

Quinta Brunson.

What’s one thing you never leave home without?

My glasses.

Tea or coffee?

Both? My fave drink is a dirty chai.

Which dead tech would you bring back to life?

Portable CD Players, I still have dozens of them but nowhere to play them.

Tickets to Lead with Tempo — a hybrid conference for content design leaders — are on sale now.



Rachel McConnell
Lead with Tempo

Content and design leader. Found of Tempo. Author of Leading Content Design and Why you Need a Content Team and How to Build One