6-Step Guide to Steal Your Competitors’ Prospects

Christie Jones
Published in
4 min readNov 25, 2017

Here’s a step by step guide to target and steal your competitors’ prospects.


  1. Get the list of your competitors’ Twitter followers
  2. Get their full profile information (name, email, company, title, LinkedIn url, etc.)
  3. Auto-view their profiles on LinkedIn
  4. Auto-follow them on Twitter
  5. Reach out to them via automated drip email campaign
  6. Target them through Facebook ads (custom audience)

1. Get list of your competitors’ Twitter followers

Twitter is an interest-based network. Twitter users follow / interact with people and products they are interested in. A good number of your competitors’s prospects are following them on Twitter.

You can use Followerwonk or Smart Lead List to get the list of your competitors’ Twitter followers.

a) Enter the Twitter accounts of your competitors

b) Download the list of their followers as a .csv file

c) Remove irrelevant contacts from the above list. Twitter follower lists have useful data, however there’s good amount of irrelevant data as well. Typically, we have seen that 50–60% of followers might not be relevant, so you should remove those — but the good part is that even after removing them there’s still hundreds/thousands of useful contacts left (because the Twitter follower list can run into thousands of followers).

2. Get their full profile information

Next you need to get the full profile information for the above list to be able to target them effectively.

You can use LeadCandy to get full profile information —

a) Upload the list you got in step #1 (‘Get list of your competitors’ Twitter followers’)

b) Get full profile information (as .csv file)-

  • Full Name
  • Company
  • Title
  • Location
  • Work Email
  • Personal Email
  • Phone
  • LinkedIn profile url
  • Company Size (employee count)
  • Industry

3. Auto-view their profiles on LinkedIn

Now, view their profiles on LinkedIn -

  • Some of them will view your profile
  • Some of them will check out your website
  • Some of them will convert into Sales Leads

People who viewed my profile’ is a very popular feature on LinkedIn, and many people check it out daily — they may not click on your profile, but they do check out the list of people who viewed their profile. So, make sure your LinkedIn profile headline has the name of your company, tagline (what your product does), and your website.

You can use Dux-Soup to auto-view these profiles on LinkedIn -

a) Signup for LinkedIn premium account — Sales Navigator or Recruiter (because LinkedIn puts a limit on the number of profiles you can view using Free account)

b) Upload the list of LinkedIn urls you got in step #2 (‘Get their full profile information’) on Dux-Soup

c) Click ‘Revisit Data’

Dux-Soup will view all of these profiles one by one, in an automated manner.

In the next 2–3 days, you can check (on LinkedIn — profile views) who all from this list are visiting your profile back.

4. Auto-follow them on Twitter

Follow your competitors’ Twitter followers. You can use Jooicer to do it in an automated manner — you just need to enter the Twitter accounts of your competitors and Jooicer will follow up to 400 followers daily.

5. Reach out to them via automated Drip Email Campaign

Start a drip outreach email campaign. For cold email campaigns, maximum response comes by 5th — 6th followup. Most people stop after 2 followups.

Set up Drip Email Campaign, using Yesware / Mailshake / MixMax.

In email subject — mention how you found them (e.g.: Saw/Found you on Twitter).

In email message, you can add — “Hey Samantha, I noticed you follow <twitter account>, and thought our solution might be of interest to you..”

Here’s a collection of real sales emails of some of the top SaaS sales teams — you can also craft drip email messages like them.

6. Target them through Facebook ads

Next, you can also target these people on Facebook, using ‘Custom Audience’ feature in Facebook Ads.

Just upload the list of emails (both, personal and work email addresses) you got in step #2 (‘Get their full profile information’) and create your custom audience list. Your Facebook ad will only be displayed to people in this list.

Now, let leads pour :)

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