Make leads pour with this 1-day hack

Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2017
Kinda how it feels when leads pour

Observing what customers do with your product is not only helpful to evolve the product, but sometimes it can be insanely cool learning experience.

We’re humbled by the creative and clever ways some of our customers build prospect list and use LeadCandy for their lead generation.

Instantly find people who are already interested in the kind of solutions you provide, the need your product fulfills

So, who might be interested in your service? People who have an interest in products and solutions related to your industry, people who read blogs related to your industry, people who have demonstrated some kind of interest in competing products (direct or indirect competitors), etc.

  1. Make a list of all such twitter handles — of your competitors, and other relevant industry blogs, etc.
  2. Get the list of their twitter followers using Followerwonk (you need to subscribe to the paid version to do this — pricing starts @ $29/mo)

3. Use LeadCandy to get work emails and mutual contacts (people both you and your prospects know) for the above list. Typically, we can find work emails for 15–20% of the twitter followers in such lists. We use our profile-matching algorithm to map twitter handle to a person’s professional profile. Also, we need full name and domain to find their work email — sometimes this information is not available for all twitter profiles.

4. Segment the final list per your criteria — so you can customize your outreach email for each segment. Segmented email campaigns have a 100.95% higher click-through rate (CTR) than non-segmented campaigns.

5. Run a drip outreach email campaign. You can personalize the emails by mentioning about any mutual contacts you have, and by mentioning how you found them (like, ‘Hey Samantha, I noticed you follow <twitter handle>, so thought our service might be of interest for you..’).

Voila! Your lead generation is set on autopilot now. Enjoy the leads as they come. :)

We tried this and have already got couple of promising leads — our drip campaign is still running, so we look forward to more leads.

Would love to hear about your experience and learnings if you happen to try this — comment here, or drop us a mail at

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