“Critical Thinking” — is it another buzz word? Would you know if you are good at it? What actions could you take to be better at it?

Amitabh Ghosh
Leader Circle
Published in
3 min readJul 17, 2023

If you are you someone who embraces critical thinking, do you consider yourself proficient in this skill? I have not found good answers to these questions. Sharing my thoughts here. Would you share your views on these questions?

Measuring critical thinking can be challenging since it encompasses various aspects and lacks a single definitive metric. However, one effective way to assess it is by evaluating the quality of the questions one asks. Asking the right questions forms the bedrock of critical thinking, as it involves challenging assumptions, clarifying understanding, and addressing biases to engage in objective analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Personally, I pay close attention to individuals who demonstrate insightful questioning, challenge assumptions, seek validation, and clarify understanding. I hold myself to the same standard. Whether it’s during interviews, meetings, brainstorming sessions, or reviews, I prioritize active engagement. Prior to each meeting, I invest time in reviewing relevant context and materials and preparing thought-provoking questions in advance. If no meaningful questions come to mind, I question the necessity of my attendance.

While preparation doesn’t guarantee to have perfect questions, it significantly enhances my engagement and attentiveness. If someone else raises the question I had in mind, I choose to remain silent, recognizing that piling up on comments for the sake of agreement lacks real value.

Listening to the questions posed by others is of utmost importance. Remember, “It is not the answers you already know that matter most; what truly matters is asking the right questions.”

Throughout my career, I have encountered individuals who consistently ask thought-provoking questions. These individuals serve as role models, and I actively seek their guidance. Engaging with them sparks reflection on the questions I should have asked, which has proven to be an invaluable learning experience. When everyone seems to agree with me, I understand that the potential for personal growth and learning in that relationship is limited. However, when someone exhibits a sense of cynicism through their questioning, their dedication to delving into issues, and their pursuit of innovative solutions, I am naturally drawn to them.

Asking questions at the right time and in the appropriate forum is crucial. I have witnessed individuals with incredible questions who hesitate to share them during group discussions, opting instead for one-on-one interactions or waiting until the conversation fades. This reluctance saddens me, and I try to encourage their active participation by highlighting the value their question would have added if shared earlier. In some cases, I discreetly reach out during a meeting via channels like Slack to inquire about their thoughts, providing a supportive and pressure-free environment. Valuable questions deserve to be asked and explored.

Measuring critical thinking remains subjective, but I employ several methods to assess it. I often receive feedback from others, acknowledging the quality of the questions I pose. Recognizing everyone who asks thought-provoking questions during discussions is important to me, and I ensure to do so in face-to-face conversations or through offline channels like Slack.

In the context of performance evaluations, both for myself and my peers, I consider the ability to ask insightful questions as a significant feedback item. Additionally, I maintain a network of respected individuals who consistently demonstrate their expertise in asking thought-provoking questions. When people approach me with inquiries, I instinctively generate questions before providing my responses.

During interviews, I allocate time for candidates to ask questions at the beginning and end, and I have received positive feedback from candidates regarding the questions I posed. Overall, my approach to measuring critical thinking relies on reciprocal feedback, and it has proven to be effective for my growth.

I am genuinely curious about your perspective. How do you personally measure critical thinking? I would greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts on this topic.

Until we connect again, warm regards,


