If today seems to be a hard day for you, would you consider something?

Amitabh Ghosh
Leader Circle
Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2024

Are you having a tough day today? Ever felt like this before? You’re not alone. We’ve all been there. Maybe not ages ago, maybe today. Maybe it’s the pile of tasks awaiting, maybe those tough conversations looming, or the mental chatter from recent talks. It could be delays, setbacks, or personal struggles crowding today’s agenda. Many things can make a day tough.

But remember, you’ve faced tough days before, right? When you’re in the thick of it, seeing beyond is hard. Your first instinct is to escape, to find relief.

If you’re nodding along, you’ve had tough days in the past. Maybe in your career or since childhood. Nobody’s exempt. You’ve been through it all.

Your success rate? A solid 100%. Ever noticed that?

Sure, during those earlier harder days you would have made mistakes. We all make them. But have you thought about how you’ve improved since then? Would you consider acknowledging them before you begin today?

You might be thinking, “I just need to get through today.” Absolutely, today matters. But what if, before diving in, you pause to recognize your track record? Reflect on how you’ve grown through past tough days.

Would you give it a shot?

Take a moment. Consider your journey through tough days past. And then, face today head-on, armed with the strength of your experience. You got this!

Until next time, Cheers,


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