In your life, whom do you give the microphone and stage to?

Amitabh Ghosh
Leader Circle
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2024

Whose voice guides your life? Who do you listen to in tough times?

Slow down and listen to the truest one.

In the toughest moments, I used to turn to anyone willing to offer advice. Desperate for reassurance, I craved wisdom to soothe my anxieties. But as I’ve journeyed through adversity. Sadly, only through adversity and hitting my head many times, I’ve learned to be discerning about whose words I allow to shape my thoughts. Especially when the going gets rough.

In the past, the loudest voice in my mind would echo criticisms and worst-case scenarios. It relentlessly whispered that I lacked the strength to overcome obstacles. Everyone has an agenda. Amidst this cacophony, it became increasingly challenging to distinguish my inner truth from the chaos.

However, I’ve since been honing my skill of slowing down and silencing the clamor of assumptions. I’ve trained myself to be attuned to the whispers of my authentic thoughts and feelings. I’ve come to recognize that my deepest wisdom often speaks in gentle nudges rather than loud proclamations. Yes, it is a work in progress, but it is in progress.

Now, when faced with challenges, I consciously take a pause to ground myself, refusing to let frantic thoughts dictate my actions. Whether through immersing myself in nature or engaging in meditation, I actively seek moments of tranquility to calm my racing mind.

I force myself to seek tranquility. By loosening my grip on fear-driven narratives, I create space for my guiding voice to emerge from the depths of my being.

This inner voice serves as a steadfast reminder of my inherent ability to navigate difficulties. It draws upon past experiences of triumph over adversity, instilling within me a sense of resilience. Rather than succumbing to the shouts of panic, I anchor myself in the quiet assurance of my capabilities.

If I just look past what went wrong, there are always so many things that went well. So many possibilities for the future to go well. So many true facts, just once I go past the running narrative.

Moreover, engaging in conversations with supportive friends has proven invaluable in clarifying my perspective. Their insights serve as a compass, helping me discern which inner voices to amplify and which to tune out. Vocalizing my authentic thoughts and feelings, I empower myself to navigate challenges with clarity and conviction.

In times of hardship, it has become evident that the loudest inner voices often distort reality, while the gentlest revelations carry the wisdom, I need most.

So, by cultivating a practice of discernment, I reclaim authorship of my inner narrative, weaving my truth one step at a time. I am the architect of my own story. I chart a course through adversity.

Whom would you give the stage for your own life? Whom would you listen to, especially when times are tough? Don’t just listen to the loudest voice. Slow down and listen to the truest one.

Until next time, Cheers,


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