Is Writing the Secret to Continuous Self-Improvement? Unlocking the Power of Self Reminders

Amitabh Ghosh
Leader Circle
Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2023

Are you like me, always searching for new self-help books? When I grab one, I scan through it. I don’t read every word or follow each step. I’m on the lookout for nuggets, especially on leadership topics like guiding people and influencing within organizations. I also subscribe to a few speakers on YouTube. From time to time, I listen to their videos at 1.75 to 2x speed. I scan general articles on the internet, whether on Medium or LinkedIn.

Why do I do this? I need reminders. Not just one reminder, but continuous ones. There’s only a limited number of principles, and once you grasp them, you’ve got them all. However, it’s one thing to know them, and it’s another to remember them, apply them, and apply them correctly. The knowledge is there, available to all of us. It’s our failure to apply what we already know that’s the challenge. I admit to this.

So, I constantly seek reminders. They’re not the same every time. By randomly reading or listening, I stumble upon reminders about different topics or ideas each week. This keeps things fresh and engaging. Moreover, each writer or speaker brings their unique experiences. They share examples, tactical steps, and learnings in their own words, creating variety and sparking “aha” moments. This constant learning and remembering is a game-changer.

Over time, I’ve noticed that this approach has led to real changes and improvements. I’ve had my share of ups and downs on my journey, but continuous learning has kept my trajectory going upward.

I began creating these articles in June this year, so it’s been almost five months. I understand that many writers have been at it for decades, but this has been incredibly valuable for me. I hope to add value to each one of you as well.

However, there’s more to it. Writing these articles serves as a reminder exercise for me. When I choose a topic, typically based on what’s happening that week, I share my understanding of what and why. I provide examples from my own experiences, talk about the approaches I’ve taken or seen others take, and even find pictures that align with the theme.

Here’s the magic: while doing this, I’m reminded of what I should be doing. Believe me, we’re all the same. We know the right things to do, but sometimes we do most of it and other times, we do the least. It’s akin to writing things down in a notebook. You remember better than merely listening or adding to a digital note.

I didn’t anticipate this when I started five months ago. Imagine if I had been doing this for decades like many others. I might have become a saint! That’s a bit scary, but I love it. It’s free learning for you, and it’s free learning for me. Sure, it takes time and effort, but I genuinely enjoy it. I’m passionate about it. So, why not?

Continuous learning and reminders are keys to personal growth and improvement. It’s not about knowing what to do; it’s about consistently applying that knowledge. Embrace the power of self-help resources, and you’ll be amazed at the positive impact they can have on your life. So, keep seeking those reminders, stay engaged, and never stop learning. Who knows, you might discover that, like me, you enjoy the journey of self-improvement more than you ever thought possible.

Until next time, Cheers,


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