Ready to See Things Differently? How even a tiny change in perspective can make all the difference?

Amitabh Ghosh
Leader Circle
Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2023

Let’s begin with a friendly disclaimer: I harbor equal love for both dogs and cats, with no favoritism towards either. A thought to ponder though — what if I told you that our furry friends have a lesson for us about how we perceive things? It’s a metaphor, of course, with no intention to ruffle any feathers.

The age-old adage of the glass being half full or half empty may be a classic, but let’s introduce a fresh perspective.

Take a moment to reflect: any situation can be viewed in two contrasting lights. Is someone trying to challenge me, or are they genuinely offering assistance? Could this be a hurdle, or perhaps, an opportunity? Is it a criticism I must defend, or merely an alternative viewpoint worth considering?

Have you encountered a similar scenario today, or perhaps you will in the coming week? If not, it might be time to step out and explore a bit more!

I recently found myself in a comparable situation together with my colleagues. We gathered to discuss a change, and naturally, most of us began with inquiries focused on personal impact. Yet, I am fortunate to collaborate with astute peers who look ahead. We collectively decided to set those questions aside for a while. First, let’s grasp the essence of the change, the rationale behind it, and how we’ll gauge its success. We delved into how this shift will affect our work processes — planning, execution, accountability, ownership, and more. Only after this comprehensive exploration did one of my colleagues reexamine the original question from an entirely different angle.

Our fixation on the change and preconceived notions began to dissipate. By immersing ourselves in understanding, we gained fresh perspectives. When my colleague shed light on the positive aspects of this change, we were all eager to embrace this viewpoint. Of course, we still had to refine and articulate these perspectives. We also identified potential risks and potential roadblocks.

So, what’s the takeaway here? The next time you find yourself at a crossroads, instead of instinctively reacting, take a step back to truly comprehend. Request the time to delve deeper. Engage others, whether they’re directly affected or not.

Group dynamics are incredibly potent. Diverse viewpoints lead to powerful insights. Avoid immediate responses.

This pause will likely reveal a spectrum of perspectives. When you do respond, it will be with greater clarity and relevance. Disagreements will inevitably arise, and sometimes situations align precisely with your initial thoughts. Nevertheless, that extra effort will equip you to respond with finesse.

Here’s a practical tip: jot it down. When faced with a situation, comment, or directive that triggers an immediate reaction, write it down. Everything else can wait. Taking that moment to record your thoughts will lead to a more considered response.

May this shared experience be a valuable tool for you.

Until next time, Cheers,


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