Stop Staring at the Green Grass: Start Watering Your Own Lawn

Amitabh Ghosh
Leader Circle
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2024

Ever heard the saying, “The grass looks greener on the other side”? We all use it to warn others. But what about when we’re the ones eyeing that green grass?

You know those times when you hear about someone getting all the resources? And you’re left wondering why you never seem to get any. You might start thinking, “The manager must favor them over us.”

Or when someone else’s success gets all the attention, and you’re left feeling unnoticed? It’s easy to assume they have some special connection, right?

And what about when someone gets promoted, and you’re sitting there thinking, “I’m way better than them”? It’s tempting to chalk it up to politics or favoritism.

But really, how do you know? Unless you’ve got eyes everywhere like some super AI, catching every move, can, you be sure?

Here’s the thing: when you start seeing the good in others, you end up finding the good in yourself. Maybe they’re just better at showing the value they bring to the table.

Perhaps they excel at the leadership principles the company values. Or maybe they’re just better at helping others and meeting business needs.

Sure, you might be doing great things too, but maybe they’re just doing more. And maybe, just maybe, they deserve that promotion.

Ever thought that maybe they’re getting recognized because they’re actually putting in the work? They’re not just talking about it; they’re out there delivering results.

They’ve mastered hiring and coaching, scaling delivery across the organization. Maybe they’re spending less time ogling other people’s lawns and more time tending to their own.

Perhaps there’s no politics or favoritism at play. Maybe your manager has been highlighting your successes too, but you’ve been too focused on keeping score.

And what if your leader is actually trying to help you identify opportunities? But you’re too busy thinking there’s no good in your corner of the garden.

It’s time to snap out of it. Stop fixating on the green grass and start tending to your own lawn. Reach out to those with lush lawns and ask for advice.

Ask them about watering techniques, fertilizers, and how to keep your grass green and healthy. People are willing to help if you’re willing to see the good in them.

And guess what? When you do, you’ll start seeing the good in yourself too. You’ll notice the grass on your own lawn getting greener by the day.

Until next time, Cheers,

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