Tranquility in the Workplace Must you bear the weight of restlessness daily?

Amitabh Ghosh
Leader Circle
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2023

Can You Find Peace at Work? Embrace finding contentment while pursuing your ambitions. Can you navigate your job with a calmer heart and a clearer mind?

Rarely do we encounter someone contentedly exclaiming, “I’m truly happy with my current job!” Instead, conversations are peppered with phrases like “I’m alright where I am,” revealing a widespread sense of restlessness. This universal sentiment begs the question — why this perpetual dissatisfaction?

From manager expectations to mundane tasks, various factors fuel this unease. The relentless pace, endless meetings, and office culture contribute to the disquiet. The predictable culprits — the commute, salary, and workspace — also play their part.

This isn’t another article to downplay working at a company and sell that you should go solo. Success is personal, with myriad paths.

However, amidst well-intentioned advice lies a fundamental query: Why the ceaseless restlessness? Ambition fuels progress, but considering your present is crucial. You’re employed — fulfilling a role that supports you and your family. This isn’t an ode to complacency, but a call to cherish contentment.

Must you bear the weight of restlessness daily? Can’t there be a single day to find solace in your circumstances? Not to halt your ambitions, but to strike a balance — embracing ambition without constant agitation.

As you navigate your role, ponder — can you find calm within chaos? Can you relish progress and self-support? Satisfaction and ambition can coexist. Embrace the challenge of job contentment as you reach for higher goals. This isn’t about halting, but about journeying with a tranquil heart. Amidst the pursuit of dreams, lies the art of finding present serenity.

Maybe one day in a year you could say “I love my job!”. Maybe one hour every day you do love your job. Maybe you can torture yourself a little less every day. Maybe!

Till next time, Cheers,


