An Exciting Race to be Remembered!

Leaders International 🌎
3 min readFeb 29, 2024
Photo by Gary Bendig on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a peaceful meadow surrounded by the most beautiful beauty, there lived a wise old turtle named Timothy and a speedy rabbit named Roger. The two animals were known throughout the forest for their distinct qualities — Timothy for his patience and wisdom, and Roger for his lightning-fast speed.

A Race

One sunny morning, the forest animals gathered to witness an unusual event — a race between Timothy and Roger. The news of this extraordinary race spread like wildfire. It captured the attention of every creature in the neighborhood.

The Excited Animals

Timothy, slow and steady, sat calmly at the starting line. His wrinkled neck extended as he surveyed the track ahead. On the other hand, Roger was ready with his energetic manner. He bounced around impatiently. The forest buzzed with excitement as the animals eagerly awaited the start of the race.

The race began

The race began, and Roger bolted forward, leaving a trail of dust behind him. Timothy, on the other hand, moved at a leisurely pace, each step carefully measured. The onlookers watched in anticipation as the rabbit quickly disappeared from sight, confident in his ability to win effortlessly.

Cheers of Animals

As Roger raced ahead, he couldn’t resist the urge to show off his speed. He zigzagged through the trees and leaped over rocks. He even mocked Timothy as he passed by. The forest echoed with the cheers of animals. They were all convinced that Roger was on his way to an easy victory.

The Slow and Steady

Meanwhile, Timothy continued his slow but steady journey, never losing focus on the path ahead. He ignored the taunts and laughter of the other animals. He consistently maintained his serenity. Deep within his wrinkled shell, Timothy harbored a secret — a plan that relied on patience and resilience.

Taking a Nap

As the race progressed, Roger’s overconfidence got the better of him. He decided to take a nap under a tree. He was so convinced that he had enough time to spare. The forest fell silent as the spectators watched the seemingly invincible rabbit snooze away his lead.

An Interesting Twist

Timothy was aware of Roger’s impulsive nature. He continued his slow-moving pace. He carefully maneuvered around the napping rabbit, inching closer to the finish line. The onlookers started to realize that there might be more to this race than just speed.

Reaching the Finishing Line

Just as Roger stirred from his nap, he was shocked to find Timothy nearing the finish line. Panic set in, and the rabbit leaped to his feet, hurrying with all his might. However, it was too late. Timothy moved with his steady and methodical approach He crossed the finish line just as Roger reached it.

A Valuable Lesson

The forest erupted in cheers, but this time, the applause was for Timothy. The wise old turtle had taught everyone a valuable lesson — that slow and steady wins the race. Roger, humbled by the unexpected outcome, approached Timothy with newfound respect.

A New Found Friendship

The two competitors were once seen as an odd pairing. But, now they shared a friendship built on mutual understanding. The forest animals learned that there was more to success than just speed. They learned that wisdom could triumph over arrogance.

A Valuable Understanding

From that day forward, Timothy and Roger became inseparable friends. Each appreciated the unique qualities the other brought to the table. The meadow echoed with laughter as the pair recounted their memorable race.

The race reminded everyone that sometimes, the most unexpected outcomes teach the most profound lessons.



Leaders International 🌎

Everyone of us has a child deep inside us, who still loves to read stories. I make sure you always have a bed time story readily available to enjoy.