Mental Health

Are You Listening to Qasim Ali Shah?

A Fountain of Wisdom and Motivation!


As mental and emotional illnesses become more prevalent, negative energies and low-level activities are polluting our society and making life difficult for most people. The current state of our society is causing people to regress to the level of animals in terms of what they think and do.

The time demands to create instruments and means that can bring more mental, emotional, and spiritual peace to mankind.

Despite our era full of scientific inventions, scientists seem to be more focused on creating means for physical and material comfort rather than addressing these issues.

But the first and foremost question is:

what you are doing to deal with such a pressuring life?

Are you doing some positive work to keep increasing your mental and emotional strength?

Are you taking constant guidance from mind-power gurus?

If yes,

How many times did you indulge in listening to a motivational speaker?

And how many times did you really feel a positive shift in your mood, in your behavior, and in your inner dimensions?

For this purpose, I deliberately listen to the talks of one of my favourite motivational speakers at a given time. And, I have a long list of motivational speakers.

I don’t see nationality!

I don’t see color or caste!

I follow my inner call and the scale of my satisfaction to check who to listen to at a certain time. Therefore, I listen to:

Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, Robert Proctor, Robin Sharma, Sadhguru, Sandeep Maheshwari, and BK Shivani, and many others.

And, I have recently added one more name to this list__ Qasim Aly Shah!

I came to know about him when I, as a habit, was scrolling for new inspiring and motivating talk shows.

Who is Qasim Ali Shah?

Qasim Ali Shah is a renowned Pakistani author, teacher, scholar, activist, social reformer, corporate trainer, and motivational speaker. His charismatic and disciplined personality is truly inspiring.

Almost everyone has heard Qasim Ali Shah speak at some point in time, in Pakistan. I came to know that he is among the few Pakistanis who have shown the courage to speak about their societal flaws and strive to bring about positive change in his nation.

For many years, his selfless efforts have spread awareness about personal and social obligations, widely among youth and old alike.

With 349 million followers on different platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, he is successfully taking more and more people on board to benefit from his lifelong learned wisdom and make progress ethically and morally.

Founder of a Non-profit Organization

In 2017, Qasim Ali Shah founded a non-profit organization that broadened the horizons of his mission to serve humanity at large.

It is worthwhile to mention that countries like Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Oman, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Sri Lanka, and Hong Kong have benefitted from his teaching services.

Qasim Ali Shah has completed thousands of public training sessions with the mission to educate the public, be it professionals or youth.

According to him,

Education encompasses not only information acquisition, but also ethics, skills, personality development, and character-building.

He guides and trains individuals in excellent ways to convey and convince them that education benefits us only to the extent that our character allows us to reap its rewards.

What is Qasim Ali Shah’s Contribution?

Qasim Ali Shah regularly visits educational and non-educational institutions to spread his message of peace and moral building in society. He is working to strengthen familial bonds and guide raising children to choose and excel in their profession.

Listening to his lectures provided many of us with solutions and motivation to succeed in life with emotional and ethical strength.

Qasim Ali Shah’s YouTube Fan Following

Qasim Ali Shah has millions of fan following through his own YouTube channel where he shares his lectures and interviews with other famous scholars.

His videos go viral the moment they are uploaded. He has uploaded thousands of videos motivating about almost every aspect of our existence, especially various topics related to our personal and social transformation.

What Distinguishes Qasim Ali Shah from other Motivational Speakers?

One thing that sets him apart from other motivational speakers is his direct approach. To give more weight to his message, he shares his personal life experiences, which are always very inspiring and encouraging. These real-life incidents serve as a great source of motivation and guidance for dealing with the everyday and complex issues we face.

Qasim Ali Shah has the honour of leading many national and international tours. With thousands of articles in his credit, he also preserved his precious wisdom in thirteen well-acclaimed and best-seller books.

In one of his videos, Qasim Aly Shah revealed that he follows famous motivational speakers like Sandeep Maheshwari. Just like his mentor, we watch Qasim Aly Shah for support in our personal development and professional success.

The Message of Moral and Ethical Strength

Qasim Ali Shah’s message centers on the importance of checking the quality of our thoughts to transform society. He firmly believes in providing equal opportunities for both genders to progress and complete all stages of life.

Mr. Shah’s message underscores the significance of family unity and mutual support, promoting acceptance and understanding among all members.

He advocates raising children with both religious knowledge and the best possible education.

His vision is to help his country develop not only materially, but also to make his nation morally and ethically strong.

Ending Note…

As citizens of this world, we must have social reformers who focus on building strong personalities and characters, in addition to the traditional methods of educating the younger generation.

These reformers can help improve the morale of any nation and encourage people to be strong in their family life, work life, community, and national life. By doing so, people can present a positive and welcoming image of their nation to the world.

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Rebecca Allen 🚵‍♀️
Leaders International 🌎

I love writing motivational stories that I call intuitive revelations!🪔Read, be inspired & have a Lucky day!🌻 Tips at