Foraging wild edibles/ Foraging tips/ Nutritional Properties of wild edibles

Beginners Guide to Foraging— 12 Extraordinary Edibles in Burnaby

Make sure you're well-prepared to forage in British Columbia!

Rebecca Allen 🚵‍♀️
Leaders International 🌎


Photo by neil macc on Unsplash

The act of foraging is a form of meditation, allowing us to quiet our minds and focus on the present moment. — Anonymous

This phenomenon has always fascinated me how, in spring, life explodes out of the dead winter. The land comes alive with my favorite spring treats of many shoots on trees, roots, or wild edible plants to forage. Likewise, Burnaby, British Columbia, becomes a lively and vibrant landscape with organic and fresh edibles during this season. It is as if it calls us to discover it for foraging and harvesting.

However happy I may be, deciding what to forage in spring in Burnaby is quite a task. Therefore, I decided to keep digging into the core of what foraging is all about and what kind of wild edibles I should forage for in British Columbia.

I invite you to join me in this adventure!

1. Foraging as an Ancient Practice

Foraging is the practice of finding and gathering wild food and resources that are edible. Mainly, spring is when the land is visible with unlimited growth.

The act of foraging connects us to our ancestral roots and the traditions of our forebears. — Anonymous

At the beginning of history, foraging was the daily routine of ancient life and indigenous peoples in Canada. After winter, collecting wild foods was their primary source of sustenance.

Unlike summer, spring is the best season for foraging. Ideally, a wealth of fresh and new sprouts grows from March to May.

Foraging in the winter months is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is still beauty to be found. — Unknown

Autumn takes hold in the glen, so I go foraging to look for immune-boosting ingredients ahead of the cold winter months to come. — A fellow forager

1.1. Is Foraging Legal in BC?

Foraging for wild plants and fungi is not permitted in provincial parks, according to the Ministry of Environment of British Columbia. However, it does not apply to First Nations peoples in summer or winter. Similarly, it is not allowed in National Parks and protected areas.

In British Columbia, the provincial forest area is where you can go foraging. However, with permission, you can also go foraging in private lands.

1.2. Nutritional Benefits of Foraging Wild Edibles

Foraging is a sustainable practice for your garden and it is also a way to connect with nature. It allows you to enjoy the freshest greens and locally sourced ingredients as purely organic food.

These wild ingredients have minerals, antioxidants, and nutrients as they are naturally grown edibles. They absorb sunlight for over 8 hours daily. Consuming them means taking in the vital energy of the sun.

1.3. Foraging as a Trending Culinary Art Form

As opposed to traditional chefs, many culinary specialists are creative and innovative. They venture into nature for wild edible food to add flavor, taste, and aroma to their dishes.

Foraging is a reminder that the simplest things in life can bring the greatest joys. — Anonymous

Innovative chefs, like Chef Robin in Vancouver, have effectively incorporated foraging into their cooking. From salads to soups, they have developed unique blends in their cooking techniques. Thanks to such pioneers, foraging is becoming a trending addition to the culinary arts.

1.4. Go Foraging Safely

Before starting to forage, focus on how to identify wild edible plants. Two seemingly identical plants can have vastly different natural attributes. For instance, one could be tasty, while the other could be deadly poisonous.

Furthermore, most foraging takes place purely in natural settings, which can pose safety threats. That is why, it is best to consult a practicing expert forager for knowledge. It is safer to go foraging during the day and be cautious of any wildlife encounter.

If you want to go foraging into the wilds of Canada without proper gear, you deserve what you get, even if that happens to include being attacked by an undead moose. — Mira Grant

2. Foraging in British Columbia

Spring is the prime time to forage for wild foods compared to other seasons. This season, consequently, many foragers go out for naturally grown food.

Foraging is a way to slow down and appreciate the beauty of the world around us, one berry at a time. — Anonymous

Here is a list of the edibles that grow in Burnaby and Vancouver, British Columbia.

2.1. Stinging Nettle

Stinging Nettle is among the abundant greens you must forage for. With a dark green color, its most distinctive feature is stinging hairs on the stems and undersides of the leaves.

To your knowledge, Stinging Nettle is the most nutritious superfood you can get your hands on. It is high in Calcium, Magnesium, and Protein and a good source of vitamins A, C, and K.

Stinging Nettles beat spinach in the properties that they contain. As extremely potent medicinal herbs, they aid in blood cleansing and strengthen our immunity. Stinging Nettles are used in healing urinary tract infections.

They can also treat conditions like eczema, asthma, seasonal allergies, and digestion. Widely recognized for their anti-hay fever properties, they are ideal for foraging.

Nettle is very abundant; you can dry the young green tender leaves and add them to soups. — A fellow forager

2.2.Morel Mushrooms

Spring mushroom season is a unique time when the ground warms after the winter. It allows for the growth of edible morels. Morel mushrooms are highly famous, valued, and challenging to grow. These wild mushrooms are typically hand-picked between March and June. You will see these mushrooms blooming in areas following a forest fire in the wild.

Help is growing all around us. After you learn this skill, walking in nature is like shopping in an all-free supermarket. — Unknown

The ideal conditions for Morel mushrooms include elevation and shade. You can combine morels into an incredible dinner. However, take note that morels are not eaten raw. Consume morels only after getting verification by an expert because most mushrooms are poisonous.

2.3. Chanterelle Mushroom

You can find these in coniferous forests with adequate rainfall, such as those in the Pacific Northwest. They are renowned for possessing artificial gills. These are veiny and do not appear to fall off. When you pull them apart, they have a stingy, shredded quality.

Smelling is another method of identifying them. Chanterelle Mushrooms will smell like apricots. They have a fruity and musky flavor.

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One way of cooking and eating these mushrooms is through mixing in pasta. You can also use delicious Chanterelle Mushrooms to serve them with steak. They can also be prepared in a simple yet delightful manner. Mix and cook the Chanterelle mushrooms with minced garlic, butter, and olive oil.

We found some chanterelles; we love foraging for them, they’re our favorite mushrooms. — A fellow forager

2.4. Ramps

Ramps resemble young onions growing in many gardens. You can eat them raw or cooked. But do not consume their roots. Ramps are simple for harvesting. They thrive in damp soil and shaded forests along creek banks.

Harvesting wild leeks (Ramps): Nature’s flavor bombs 💣 — Unknown

In the middle of the blooming season, their leaves start emerging, frequently in enormous clusters. It is preferable to harvest a small amount of the bulbs. Ramps typically have two or three leaves. Therefore, attempt harvesting one leaf per plant while leaving many alone.

2.5. Dandelion Flowers

Burnaby Mountain Conservation Area is one of the sites with Dandelions. Dandelions are common plants. This plant offers many medicinal benefits. It is a rich source of fiber, zinc, minerals, and vitamins A, C, and K. In particular, it possesses anti-cancer properties. Eating it protects against chemotherapy damage. It reduces inflammation and enhances kidney and liver functions.

Use Dandelion leaves in a salad. However, old, larger leaves tend to be more bitter and rough, the flowers are used in tea-making.

2.6. Watercress

Watercress is one of the oldest leafy green vegetables. When eaten, it enhances our immune system.

Photo by Nebular on Unsplash

It controls blood pressure, blood sugar, and heart rate. If you are seeking different types of green plants for salads and other meals, Watercress is one option in your garden. This plant is easy to grow. All you need to do is make sure it gets plenty of water. It can thrive with moisture or near-flowing water.

2.7. Asparagus

If you have never tasted asparagus, a green plant shoot, you have not gone enough foraging. You can store it for a couple of days. However, taken fresh from the garden, cooked within an hour, and eaten is ideal. It is because this, by far, is the best way to experience the yummy taste of asparagus.

If you have a garden or lawn with a small space, it is worth it to harvest asparagus there. I recommend eating it as raw as salad or cooking. However, cooking may lessen the benefits of heat-sensitive nutrients like vitamin C.

2.8. Fiddleheads

In March, you can locate fiddleheads in forested areas. All you have to do is use a pocket knife to remove their heads. Fiddlehead ferns have a limited growing season. Moreover, they are renowned for their distinct, mouthwatering flavor, appearance, and culinary applications. Therefore, seize them as soon as you find them.

The knowledge of foraging for edible plants will transform your world. — Unknown

They resemble a perfectly blenched green bean and have a sharp flavor similar to asparagus. They contain Omega 3s, iron, and fiber. However, you can not eat them raw.

2.9. Licorice Fern Root

Although it grows many times a year, March is its best time. Native Americans would chew their roots before a long hike for sustained energy. It was their equivalent of contemporary cough and cold medicine.

You will occasionally find Chef Robin foraging for Licorice Fern for one of her future tasty treats in a Vancouver forest. She often uses it as a braising flavoring. The best part is that it grows in Vancouver and Burnaby in abundance.

2.10. Salal Berries

Go foraging for Salal Berries in Stanley Park. They are big berries grown around April, summer and autumn. Bigger berries are tastier than smaller ones.

Wild berries and nuts are abundant resources for foraging. — Unknown

You can use them to make Salsa and homemade catchup. Although these berries take a few days to dry, you can powder them. Afterward, use this powder to add flavor to cakes or pastries. Its flavor is like rich blueberries.

2.11. Salmonberries and Huckleberries

Salmonberries grow wild on trees in a forest. They are pretty similar in shape to blackberries. Eat them when they are dark red, or make their tea in boiling water to treat diarrhea.

Likewise, Huckleberries, wild foods or fruit, are smaller than blueberries. They taste delicious. As a result, you can use this fruit in baking and preserving. They are also an excellent source of fiber, iron, and vitamins B and C.

3. Bottom Line

Through forging tours, the Forager Foundation is making it an emerging venture in British Columbia. As a rewarding way, it offers spring foraging to discover unique edible plants like Miner’s Lettuce.

Similarly, West Coast Wild Foods Ltd brings forward wild edible plants. As a result, food lovers treat it as an additional art to give wild foods flavor to their taste buds. Nature enthusiasts feel energetic about foraging to support the local ecosystem. For the same reason, eager readers find it helpful and motivating.

The beauty of foraging is that it requires nothing but a love of nature and a willingness to explore. — Unknown

If so,

Why not join these fellow foragers in this treasure hunt with friends and family? However, you must know what to forage in spring, or in your favourite season.

I thank the nearby forest for these wild edibles. I can look to another fantastic night’s foraging and a wonderful family cook-up.

🌻Happy foraging!

Originally published at

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Rebecca Allen 🚵‍♀️
Leaders International 🌎

I love writing motivational stories that I call intuitive revelations!🪔Read, be inspired & have a Lucky day!🌻 Tips at