Spirituality/ Ethics /Self-control

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If You are Strong enough to Answer a Fool with Silence!


They say, When Ignorance Screams, the Intelligence Moves On!

“A tongue is but three inches long but can kill a man six feet tall.” Japanese proverb

Back in history, God sent two of His messengers to the Pharaoh, with the command,

“Two of you go to the Pharaoh! He has turned into a rebel. Both of you should talk to him but politely.”

It is very surprising that despite Pharaoh being a rebel, God insisted on communicating with him sweetly and politely.

God further explains that he( the pharaoh) either would get the understanding about his error or he may fear God.

Why did God want them to be polite?

Because, screaming and shouting is not the act of the wise, it’s always the act of fools.

Because silence is the best speech you will ever have to give to fools to distinguish yourself from their category.

Think Before You Think and Speak

I can recall one of the best sayings of BK Shivani (An Indian motivational speaker). She often says,

Think before you think and speak.

What she meant by this?

Simply, don’t waste your precious knowledge in front of people with lower levels of consciousness and understanding. They would suck your energy and leave you with the same lowest energy. Better step away and save your energy.

Another way of interacting with such people is to speak with the sweetness of behavior and language.

Like other religion’s revealed books, the holy book of Christians emphasizes the use of polite and sweet language in communicating.

“Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be just like him.” — 26:4 (The Bible)

An Educated Person vs. a Wise Person

It’s said that knowledge decides what to say; Education decides how to say it: Attitude decides how much to say, and wisdom decides whether to say anything or not.

It’s also instructed by our great devotional poets to speak sweetly so that it would be as if precious jewels are flowing out of our mouths.

According to a famous saying, even God doesn’t like the strictness of the tongue, therefore He didn’t put any bone in it.

Tongue has no bone but it is strong enough to break a heart. Be careful with your words.

Silence is Sometimes the Best Answer

To enhance the smoothness of a situation, silence, and a smile are two different tools.

Smiling is the way to solve many problems.

Silence is the way to avoid many problems.

Some religions also say,

If you meet people, meet them as flowers, so that whoever meets you gets your fragrance; they should get happiness. And if you depart from people, depart like fragrance, so that when you leave, your fragrance will stay with them.

In our societies,

Within families, there are many children, but if one of them is very naughty and mischievous then he is watched and taken care of even more strictly.

It’s because, due to his hasty and naughty nature, he may bring harm to himself or others.

Likewise, our tongue has the same nature as all the organ families of our body. It must be supervised strictly, or else it will bring harm to the body/ person or others. The one who controls the tongue gets through life with ease and success.

Why do Relationships not work smoothly?

We witness so many relationships, either in our family or outside, get damaged due to the ill-use or misuse of the tongue and the use of language.

Look at the society in which we live!

It has grown into a poisonous and toxic environment, just because of the wrong use of the tongue and language. And day by day, that toxic environment gets more severe.

To reverse this condition, we must observe how God has given us two ears and one tongue with the open proof and wisdom to speak half as compared to what we hear.

“Silence is the sanctuary of the wise while fools find solace in their own voices.” — Unknown

It’s said that knowledge is like a tree which is grown in the heart and ripened in the mind. And when it gives the fruit, it does so by the use of its tongue.

Someone asked a sage, “How many faults are there in a person?” He said, “Uncountable! But there is one quality that hides every fault and that is his tongue.”

“Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.” — 17:28 (The Bible)

In Short

Life is an echo, what we send out comes back. When we talk about language, in today’s context, it’s not only speaking with the tongue. Whatever we write, text, forward, and share, all are generations of our language and how we communicate with others.

Therefore, not only the use of language but also whatever we write, text, forward, and share should also be done with great care.

And, most importantly, keep your power of communication in control, or else, it will turn into a dragon to eat its own master.

“Speak only when you feel your words are better than your silence.” — Anonymous

All rights reserved © 2024. REBECCA ALLEN

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Rebecca Allen 🚵‍♀️
Leaders International 🌎

I love writing motivational stories that I call intuitive revelations!🪔Read, be inspired & have a Lucky day!🌻 Tips at https://ko-fi.com/rebeccaallen98021.