Comedy/ Fun

Laughter Therapy

Excuses for the “not-so-great” school work!

Auspicious Winner
Leaders International 🌎


The most wasted of all days is one without laughter! If you didn’t find anything to laugh about, here’s the help!

  1. Alien Abduction: “I was abducted by aliens, and they messed with my brain. I’m still trying to remember how to do basic math.”
  2. Time Traveler: “I was actually a time traveler, and I spent the entire semester in the 1800s. They don’t have modern education there, so I’m a bit behind.”
  3. Invisible Ink: “I did all my homework and assignments, but I used invisible ink. It must have disappeared by the time you checked.”
  4. Dog’s Revenge: “My dog ate my homework, and then he regurgitated it and buried it in the yard. I tried to salvage it, but it was a lost cause.”
  5. Lost in Translation: “I accidentally did all my assignments in another language because I was practicing my multilingual skills. I guess they didn’t translate well.”
  6. Superhero Duty: “I’m actually a superhero, and I had to save the world multiple times. Unfortunately, that cut into my study time.”
  7. Haunted House: “My house is haunted, and the ghosts keep messing with my study materials. They’re not very helpful when it comes to math problems.”
  8. Parental Spy Mission: “My parents are secret agents, and I had to help them on a top-secret mission. Education had to take a backseat to national security.”
  9. Clone Malfunction: “I created a clone to do my schoolwork, but it malfunctioned and didn’t do anything. I’m still working out the kinks.”
  10. Swapped Realities: “I swapped places with my identical twin from a parallel universe where they don’t have school. We just realized the mistake, and I’m back now.”
  11. Online Glitch: “There was a glitch in the online system, and it replaced all my grades with zeroes. I swear I did everything perfectly.”
  12. Grandparent’s Tale: “My grandparents told me so many stories about their school days that I got confused and thought I was living in their time. I didn’t think grades mattered back then.”
  13. Too Good for School: “I was doing so well that I thought I didn’t need to study anymore. I guess I overestimated my natural brilliance.”
  14. Homework Black Hole: “There’s a black hole in my backpack that sucks in all my completed assignments. It’s a real problem.”
  15. Virtual Reality Addiction: “I got so immersed in a virtual reality game that I couldn’t tell the difference between the game world and school. I forgot to switch back.”

These excuses are, of course, meant to be humorous and not to be taken seriously in a real-life situation!



Auspicious Winner
Leaders International 🌎

My life revolves around horse riding, gardening🍒 writing 📃 farming🌱and 😇helping !