Spiritual Guru/ Motivational Speaker/ Meditation/ Divine Wisdom

My Next Talk: To Listen to BK Shivani!

A Beacon of Light in the 21st Century!

Rebecca Allen 🚵‍♀️
Leaders International 🌎


When I think of individuals who have dedicated their lives to promoting the mental, emotional and spiritual well-being of the global population, there is no doubt in my mind that BK Shivani, a Raja Yoga Meditation Teacher, is one of them. She is one of the most renowned spiritual gurus in India and worldwide.

By earning the respect and admiration of countless people, BK Shivani has achieved great fame at a young age.

I hold a deep admiration and immense gratitude towards such a famous, yet down-to-earth figure for her invaluable contribution towards the betterment of our society.

How did I come to Know about BK Shivani?

A few years back, I was experiencing mental and emotional turmoil in my life. During that time, one of my acquaintances spoke to me and introduced Bk Shivani as a famous motivational speaker. He suggested that I should start listening to her.

At first, I was skeptical and unsure if listening to her would actually help me. However, this person was so confident and convinced that I became curious and decided to see what listening to Bk Shivani would bring to me.

Furthermore, I was eager to explore this opportunity, so I took it upon myself to watch her shows. After some searching, I came across one of her motivational videos, which was unlike anything I had ever watched or listened to.

Previously, I spent my free time indulging in movies, songs, and other forms of entertainment just to improve my mood. But watching her inspired me to broaden my horizons and seek more uplifting and motivational content.

Our inner conversations often block our natural energy of peace, happiness, and love. — BK SHIVANI

The Effect of BK Shivani’s Talks

The first video I watched of her left me wanting to watch more. Her message about peace brought me a sense of inner calm, and when she talked about happiness, I felt a feeling of joy.

It was a mystical experience that made me wonder why I had never come across something like this before. For most of my life, I had only known turmoil and had questioned why God never helped me. However, after watching her videos, I realized that I had been missing out on so much.

Compete with your destiny, not theirs. — BK SHIVANI

After watching her video for more than two hours every day, I realized that it brought me peace and a sense of calmness. I didn’t plan on watching it every day, but I did it because I wanted more of that peaceful feeling.

It was exactly one of the biggest aids that I needed for my mental well-being.

What is the Long-term Benefit of Listening to BK Shivani?

As time went by, days turned into weeks and then months and years. When I look back at the change in my mindset, I feel grateful to have had access to such inspirational videos of a divine person.

Every sentence she spoke had a positive impact on me, whenever I watched her speak. This made me appreciate her speeches so much that I made it a regular routine to watch her talk shows.

Her motivational videos are often accompanied by the well-known Indian actor, Suresh Oberoi, in the famous ‘Awakening with Brahma Kumaris’ show.

Peace of Mind TV on YouTube is a great resource for her latest videos.

And I recommend subscribing to the channel to watch her shows, which are also in the English language.

“Our every thought, word and behaviour is the energy we create and send out. That is our karma. According to the Law of Karma, the energy we receive in return as a consequence, is our destiny. As is our karma, so will be the consequence of the karma.”― BK Shivani

BK Shivani’s Talks are Invitation to All Peace Seekers

I would like to invite those who are struggling with life and seeking inner peace to listen to BK Shivani.

Her teachings have the power to positively transform your life and gradually reduce negative thought patterns.

The more you listen to her, the more your negativity will disappear.

From my personal experience over the years, I can confidently claim that her talks act as medicine for your mental and emotional ailments, and things will start turning in your favor gradually and magically.

Philosophy of Divine Sanskaras Present in Every Individual Soul

I was inspired by how she confirms that each one of us has divine innate qualities of Truth, Happiness, Wisdom, Power, and Purity. This knowledge can transform our lives and our outlook toward life.

If we are aware of these qualities being a part of our eternal selves and strive to make them our predominant characteristics, we can bring back the hope that we had long forgotten.

It was the same for me.

Now, I see myself and am happy to emerge these divine sanskaras bit by bit.

Effortless Absorption of Divine Preaching

One of the things I admire most about her teaching is that she never pushes us to put in any exhausting effort to apply the sanskaras she talks about. Instead, she advises us to simply listen, listen, and keep listening.

According to her,

This divinely inspired wisdom creates our thoughts. Our thoughts create our habits.

Our habits create our nature. Our nature creates our destiny.

So, by simply listening to her talks,

The divine knowledge, which she refers to as God’s conversation with humanity, will find a place within you.

Then you can push out any other negative forces in the form of wrong beliefs and lower energies that reside within you.

According to her, all our suffering is due to our state of mind and energy field which is vibrating at a lower frequency.

It’s always refreshing to come across someone who can articulate their thoughts with clarity and provide practical, relatable examples. It’s even better when they can help us navigate through the challenges and worries that often plague us in life.

I’m glad I found someone like BK Shivani who can offer solutions and inspiration to help me stay motivated. Her teachings made me believe that, sometimes, it’s the simple steps in life that can have the most profound impact on our well-being.

To Sum Up…

I must say that thanks to her continuous teachings, available on YouTube, I have benefited a lot. I am still listening to her talks to reach even higher levels of peace.

As a result,

I unconsciously started reacting less and staying calm more after continuously listening to her talks.

Without any effort or intention, the divine wisdom that she continues to share has made me think, feel, and act differently.

BK Shivani is an angel sent by God to remind humanity of their spiritual selves, which they had forgotten due to material pressures.

I urge everyone to listen to this spiritual beacon and get enlightened more and more as you keep listening to her.

May the divine power of God bring eternal peace, happiness and purity to you and every soul. Amen.

All rights reserved © 2024. REBECCA ALLEN

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Rebecca Allen 🚵‍♀️
Leaders International 🌎

I love writing motivational stories that I call intuitive revelations!🪔Read, be inspired & have a Lucky day!🌻 Tips at https://ko-fi.com/rebeccaallen98021.