The Universal Laws

🦄The Law of Resonance

The Biggest and the Most Powerful Unseen Weapon!

Rebecca Allen 🚵‍♀️
Leaders International 🌎


Have you ever wondered, like me,

What happens when two things vibrate at the same frequency?

A lot of people have experienced this. You can also have this blissful revelation. Anybody can do it! It can also be your surprising scientific experiment.

Here is a way,

Hold a fully grown coconut and walk to the field. And wherever there is water down there, the coconut bounces. This looks like magic, but it’s not! The water under the earth has exactly the same frequency as the water in the coconut.

And that is the principle of resonance. You can also call it the law of frequency. You may even name it the law of attraction.

The law of resonance says,

When two things vibrate at the same frequency, what vanishes is the time and space.

It is the law of resonance that precedes the law of attraction.

How does it happen?

Well, You must be aware of the unseen ethereal threads that spiritually connect all of us. We all belong to the same universal soul. Therefore, when two objects share a similar frequency, the thread between them gets closer, shorter, thicker, and lengthier at the same time.

This creates an ethereal tunnel between those two objects, causing the concept of time and space to vanish.

Telepathic communication is the best example of this kind of link, connection, or resonance.

The Whole Universe Is Latent Till It Is Activated

As rightly said by the Great Patanjali,

“We have the means to attract the Energies to us and experience life.”

Everything is activated. Everything needs to be activated. All you need is to have the same frequency activated within you. You must resonate with something you want to activate in your reality.

For instance, all gases are everywhere. But, the oxygen within us activates the oxygen in the atmosphere to qualify as a breath. It happens when oxygen within us resonates with the oxygen outside.

And after this resonance, we experience effortless breathing.

Can Anyone Experience Such an Occurrence?

Attention and consciousness are two of the most powerful tools for reaching your desired destination, goal, or target — in other words, the state of resonance.

Being in a meditative or mindful state during any activity proves that you are starting to align or resonate with what you want to achieve.

Although it takes practice, anyone can learn to enter into such a state. Most of the time, these are called the states of happiness, peace, or gratitude. These states act as an autopilot, instantly boosting your energy levels and aligning you with your desired goals. Or to take you to a resonating state!

Let’s understand it further!

When two objects or individuals come into contact, they each emit their own unique resonance. The entity with the stronger resonance inevitably influences the one with the weaker resonance to align with its vibration.

Therefore, when we operate from a place of love and project love, we have the power to guide and exude love, inspiring those around us to also embrace love.

Thus, I claim that unconditional love has the power to bring instant ecstasy, connecting you to unexplainable peace, bliss, and happiness.

A glance, an expression, or an act of pure love can transport you to another realm of joy and tranquility.

And there you are! You are in resonance with the object of your love.

You are in a perfect match with the frequency of your love!

All rights reserved © 2024. REBECCA ALLEN

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Rebecca Allen 🚵‍♀️
Leaders International 🌎

I love writing motivational stories that I call intuitive revelations!🪔Read, be inspired & have a Lucky day!🌻 Tips at