True stories


Uncle Blind is a memorable character from my childhood

Syed Saleem
Leaders International 🌎


Photo by CDC on Unsplash

I was forgetting the names of many characters from my childhood. I ended my last article by saying that I never settled in my hometown when I left the city where I spent my childhood for fourteen years.

Now ten years have passed and I remember many characters from my childhood. But this is absolutely possible because I have not read these events and situations in books but all this is in front of me.

Uncle Blind is a memorable character from my childhood that I may never forget. There are thousands of blind people in the world, some people become blind due to accidents, some people are born blind, uncle was also blind by birth, he was a resident of our town. He had a beautiful heart. I saw him roaming in the streets of the town in my childhood.

Uncle Blind was not an ordinary person, nature had given him many talents, he was much more intelligent than those with eyes. He was the common uncle of the town and everyone respected him. When uncle blind went wherever he wanted to go, he never asked anyone to make me cross the road or guide me to someone’s house.

When the uncle Blind wanted to go to someone’s house, he would reach their door alone without any difficulty. It probably never happened that he fell down because of something.

The uncle Blind was given so much intelligence by nature that when he started to cross the road, he would immediately know how far the car or motorcycle was and he would also know whether I would be able to cross the road.

Apart from this, the great quality that nature had given him in uncle Blind was amazing. When he was walking in the streets and the people of the town passed by him, he would call everyone by their name and ask how they were doing. He recognized everyone by his sound of footsteps. If a guest was going with the people of the town, the blind uncle would definitely ask "Who is this guest"?

Uncle Blind loved children very much, respected me a lot, used to say that you are Syed, pray for me, maybe then I didn’t even know the true meaning of prayer. All of us children would often sit with Uncle Blind, he would ask about the condition of all the children by name, all the children would enjoy sitting in his gathering. He had great knowledge and used to tell such stories to children that we all would be happy.

When my Dad was taking early retirement and we were planning to go back to our hometown, Uncle Blind caught fever, fell ill for two days and died.

This was sad news for the entire town. Uncle Blind was passed away. We all stood around his bed in the funeral home. An elder of the town removed the cloth from his face and I saw the face of the blind uncle, his face was exactly the same as it was in his life because he had only one face, clear and beautiful, there was no other face. He was the same from the outside as he was from the inside.



Syed Saleem
Leaders International 🌎

The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling , but in rising every time we fall.