Union is Strength

Leaders International 🌎
2 min readJan 29, 2024
Image credit author

Once upon a time, in an attractive jungle near high hills and flowing streams, there lived a community of animals who had always flourished on cooperation and unity.

The diverse inhabitants included abbits, squirrels, birds, and hedgehogs, each with its unique strengths and abilities. Despite their differences, they shared a common understanding: union is strength.

A Heavy Storm

One day, a scary storm approached, threatening to destroy their homes and disrupt their peaceful existence. The animals gathered in the heart of the village, discussing how they could face the impending disaster together. The wise old owl suggested they build a shelter that would survive the fierce winds and heavy rain.

Working Together

Recognizing the value of their combined efforts, the animals set to work. The quick squirrels gathered solid branches, while the alert rabbits dug deep to create a solid foundation.

The birds, with their in-flight viewpoint, guided the construction, ensuring every piece fit seamlessly. Even the diligent hedgehogs contributed by rolling rocks to strengthen the structure.

A Strong Shelter

As the storm released its anger, the animals gathered together inside their collective creation. The winds howled, and the rain beat against their temporary sanctuary. Yet, the shelter held strong, a testament to the power of unity.

The Realization

When the storm subsided, the animals emerged to find their village intact, thanks to their collaborative effort. Gratitude filled their hearts as they realized that, indeed, union is strength.

The experience not only strengthened the physical bonds of their shelter but also deepened the emotional bonds among the community members.

In the End

From that day forward, the village embraced the principle of unity even more passionately. They celebrated their diversity, understanding that each member brought something valuable to the table.

The story of their shared triumph against the storm became a cherished tale passed down through generations, a constant reminder that together, they could overcome any challenge that came their way.



Leaders International 🌎

Everyone of us has a child deep inside us, who still loves to read stories. I make sure you always have a bed time story readily available to enjoy.