Jeremy Boudinet of Ambition on creating strong content

Jake Jorgovan
Leaders of Marketing
4 min readJul 19, 2017
Jeremy Boudinet, Director of Marketing at Ambition

In this episode of the Leaders of Marketing, I had the great pleasure of talking with Jeremy Boudinet, Director of Marketing for Ambition.

Over the years, Ambition has put out some great content that has been key to their growth, and Jeremy and I go into detail on some of the things they have done, as well as what they are planning to work on next.


Early on, Ambition had been coined the “Fantasy Football for Sales.” They are a SaaS company that sells software to front office teams in order to build a metrics driven culture. The nickname came, because their product allows companies to score reps and run sales contests.

But, their product offers a lot more than just a platform that runs contests. This is one of the big focuses for Jeremy, helping people move past this base understanding and really showing them all of the capabilities Ambition has to offer.

How do they do it?

They leverage the success of their existing clients.

Leveraging client success

When I asked what Ambitions keys to growth were, Jeremy instantly answered, “We have an excellent product.”

Jeremy has found a way to take this and showcase it in a way that really resonates with his audience through a series of video walkthroughs of their platform.

They have companies using their product take the audience through how they are using it, what features they like, and what it is capable of.

This is an awesome way to create an authentic message that provides client advocacy. Instead of the salesy videos a marketing team would put together, potential buyers get to hear their information from actual users.

We are so used to polished product videos that seeing a video with real, live client data included is refreshing, and It allows them to hear what actual value the user is seeing.

One of the things Jeremy is really intentional about is making content that is multipurpose, and these videos have proven successful for Ambition at every stage of their sales funnel.

Unique Content

March SaaSness

I absolutely love what the team at Ambition has done with creating March SaaSness. If you haven’t heard of it before, I encourage you to go check it out.

Each year, Ambition holds a SaaS company tournament that runs alongside the March Madness tournament where people vote on their favorite SaaS companies.

Over the years, it has become a huge event. In fact, last year, Ambition saw over 300,000 votes go in throughout the tournament and 40,000 visits to their site in just one month.

What is so great about March SaaSness is that it is very unique. It brings together the SaaS community, drives traffic for Ambition, but it isn’t just a big advertisement for their product. In fact, they try to keep sales completely out of that area and let people enjoy the competition.

B2B Trends and Tech

Another way Ambition has provided value to others in their content is through the co creation of the B2B Trends and Tech Guide.

If you listened to my podcast with William Wickey of LeadGenius, then you have already heard how Ambition, Prezi, and LeadGenius came together to bring this guide together.

It is really a great resource that is designed to be easy to digest. They lay out current B2B marketing trends and then highlight specific technologies that can help companies address those trends.

Jeremy’s focus with all of this content is to add value, not make a sale.

Final thoughts

While Jeremy has been very successful in creating content that adds value to the community and creates growth for Ambition, he says that his next steps are to maximize the distribution of content.

Being a one man marketing department, Jeremy is always learning and figuring out ways to use and create multipurpose content.

Jeremy’s advice for others

  • It is essential for B2B marketers to be featuring their clients
  • Be sure to have a client-first mentality
  • Go big with content
  • Spend time talking 1 to 1 with clients. Automation isn’t always the answer

It was awesome to get to talk to Jeremy about all the things Ambition is doing. I hope you got a ton of value out of this episode and that you got great insight on how to use content in your marketing.


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