Use Your Emotions as Fuel Then Takeoff!

Temani F. Aldine
3 min readJun 6, 2014

“I propose that changing the way we perceive and use our emotions will help us realize our power.”

Many traditions instruct us in ways to avoid, subvert or ignore our emotions. This is with good reason. Emotions have been at the heart of personal and communal conflict, leading to much of what we consider the worst of human nature. So, I applaud the institution of emotional control systems as a wise species survival tactic. But I also can see that we are quickly evolving into new levels of awareness. Our existing systems need to adapt and evolve with us, especially in the realm of emotions. I propose that changing the way we perceive and use our emotions will help us realize our power.

Let’s make this a little more personal. What do you think about your emotions? Do you feel bothered or ashamed of experiencing certain emotions? Does this make meditating difficult?This is a very common human experience. After hundreds of thousands of years of human experience, I think it’s safe to say those emotions are not going disappear. How much energy have you wasted trying to get rid of them? Let’s find a way to use those emotions constructively. You don’t think it is possible? It really is. I believe art expresses this aspect of the human dimension—transforming and transmitting emotional energy.

Does this mean that I think everyone should become an artist? Yes, but not in the sense of selecting art as a career path. Everyday you have an opportunity to create and shape your life experience. Being mindful of your leading role in your own life is essential to your happiness. Every emotion is an element in your experience that can be shaped and redirected.

An emotion can become a creative tool if it is acknowledged and accepted. In this way, the emotion doesn’t have to use you to fight for its life. Make peace with an emotion and it will work with you. I know this seems easy in theory, that there are several emotions you may feel afraid to let loose. So, be creative about how to express them.

Have you tried dancing? Just you, alone with music that feels right. Have you tried painting? You don’t need to create something like Picasso or Van Gogh. Just be you. Allow yourself to release different emotions as the paint leaves the brush and touches your canvas. Don’t have paint? Try crayons. Not “good with your hands?” You can also hum and sing out an emotion you don’t understand. It really doesn’t matter how you sound.

What I am suggesting may not lead you to create a masterpiece or emit crowd pleasing sounds. You may even look like a fool, but this is an important step to learning how to feel better on a regular basis. It’s a kind of mindfulness, a “style” of meditation.

Instead of looking at meditation as a serious venture suitable for mountaintops and temples, you can see it as avenue for fun and creativity. This will help you see your emotions differently. You can learn to love and accept yourself more.

Do you want to change your life? Do you want to fly to new levels of personal power? Then stop trying to get rid of your emotions. You are trying to jettison your fuel. Instead, take a deep breath, exhale and prepare for takeoff!



Temani F. Aldine

Living my dreams: a communicator, meditator, advocate and traveler on a journey of the heart and mind.