The Human Element

Meaningful Work Is What Your EmployeesWant

People innately need a purpose in both life and work

Published in
7 min readJul 1, 2019


“We have a gym, ping pong, video games, and a cafeteria open 24/7,” was the sales pitch from the guy showing me around campus. “It’s like a big family here and every enjoys the amenities although we work hard.” It sounds like a dream come true. You can work in a place with an atmosphere similar to a resort while doing the work you love.

“This place is amazing,” I replied, “I only have one question.”

“What’s the most meaningful work you’ve done while here?”

As amazing as some places can be, the novelty always wears off. When you boil things down to what really matters, purpose or meaning never evaporates with the amenities. We need meaning in our lives and it’s no different in our profession. Viktor Frankl may explore it best in his memoir about his time at Auschwitz¹. Dr. Frankl developed a new branch of psychoanalysis supported by his observations in the Nazi death camp. His main thesis was our desire to find meaning is essential to the human experience.

While the circumstances in a concentration camp are far worse than being in a meaningless job, the principle universally governs human life. Thankfully, the millennial generation…



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