77% of High-Performing Teams Use Project Management Software

Did you know that 77% of High-performing Teams Use Project Management Software? They don’t. Though many tool providers would like you to believe it is true.

Anthony Mersino
Leadership and Agility


Did you know that 77% of High-performing Teams Use Project Management Software? I didn’t either. But if you Google it you will find that it is correct.

Or is it?

Go ahead and Google it and see what you learn. I can wait.

Why Was I searching Google for 77% of High Performing Teams Use Project Management Software?

I was reading a November 2022 article from Business Management Daily titled Asana vs. Monday: Which project management software is better?

I am not that interested in the two tools but what caught my eye was this stunning declaration:

In fact, as of 2022, 77% of all high-performing teams use project management software.

Business Management Daily, Asana vs. Monday: Which project management software is better?

Wait, what?



Anthony Mersino
Leadership and Agility

Author, Thought Leader, Agility Consultant and Value Delivery Specialist