High-Performing Teams — What Google Found

Google studied the performance of their teams to learn about what lead to high-performing teams. The results were surprising.

Anthony Mersino
Leadership and Agility


I was excited to read this recent New York Times Article describing research done by Google to determine the characteristics of their high-performing teams.

In the Aristotle study, Google investigated the data on team performance to glean what they could about how to create high-performing teams. The results were surprisingly simple: high-performing teams created safety for their team members. The implications are important.

At 5,500+ words, the article is definitely TLTR. You can read my summary of the article below and then decide if you want to read the whole article.

Key Takeaways on Creating High-Performing Teams:

1. Teams are Important

Teams are a fundamental building block of the organization and how work gets done. Compared to individuals, teams innovate faster, create better solutions, make fewer mistakes, and result in higher employee engagement. Good teams can provide a competitive advantage.

2. Who is on the Team is not important



Anthony Mersino
Leadership and Agility

Author, Thought Leader, Agility Consultant and Value Delivery Specialist