Yes You Really Do Need to Invest in Agile & Scrum Training — Here’s Why

Many organizations try to save money on agile and Scrum training and miss out on the key benefits of agile. Use these 10 questions as a quick self-check.

Anthony Mersino
Leadership and Agility


As an Agile Coach, I find an interesting paradox. While most people want my help to implement Agile, they also don’t want to invest in Agile Training. It seems that most people feel like they already know all about Agile and Scrum.

And if asked, most organizations will say that they are already using Agile, even if what they are doing is A.I.N.O. (Agile in Name Only). Or they will describe what they are doing as “agilish”.

I am pretty sure that “agilish” in this context means that they aren’t following Agile Values and Principles. And in most cases, it also means they are doing pretty much what they were doing before agile but now they call them by agile sounding names.

The bottom line is that many people feel they don’t need to invest in Agile Training and they want to avoid the cost of agile training. This creates an interesting problem for me as an Agile Coach.

You say you already are using and know about Agile, right? And you say that you don’t want to spend money on…



Anthony Mersino
Leadership and Agility

Author, Thought Leader, Agility Consultant and Value Delivery Specialist