Reimagining Employee Experience — Why I Joined Moveworks

Jitender Aswani
Leadership and Life Experiences
4 min readMar 9, 2020


According to many foremost thinkers on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI), AI is the new electricity and has reached a sufficient maturity state to begin transforming every industry. I have had the front row seat of building and experiencing AI at Facebook and Netflix. Both these companies leverage AI to deliver meaningful and personalized experiences to their global user base.

Decline in the Enterprise Employee Experience

Outside of work hours, we feel excited to interact with AI applications (such as Amazon Alexa) due to the real time and personalized nature of these experiences. However, at work, our experience with many enterprise systems leaves us wanting for more.

An ITSM system is complex by design due to the wide range of utilities it provides, and many of its self-serve interfaces (such as the IT portal) are designed with frequent usage in mind. However, the majority of ITSM usage is infrequent since employees interact approximately once a month with these systems and find no real incentives to become proficient with these interfaces. The cognitive burden and the training required to get IT issues into the queue for a potential resolution is non-trivial. Is this employee cognitive overload dealing with ITSM addressable?



Jitender Aswani
Leadership and Life Experiences

Leadership & Technology; Running Data Analytics for Cloud Security and Infrastructure at Netflix; Previously data analytics @ Facebook