Five things I learned about strategy

A roadmap in barving the new world.

Leadership and Strategy


1. Strategy in Military Theory
Contrary to popular belief, strategy is more derived from military theory than it is in any other subjects under the sun. Reading Carl Von Clautzwitz’s On War-dubbed as the greatest book on war-enabled me to get a holistic view on this skillset. His core idea that war is a continuation of a political process and that the best way to defeat an enemy is by targeting their “centre of gravity”, produced me awesome insights to execute whatever it is my goal desired at a particular time. Not that I have dark intent; my real enemy is actually procrastination, time-wasters, and useless goals. With this I was motivated to root these villainy out of my life. Focusing in the bigger picture instead, and connect the tactical goals achieved to finally achieve the strategic. Thus the “continuation of a political process”.

2. You are Commander-in-Chief
Whether it is to your followers, your family, your close friends, your workers, or even yourself; you are the commander who would be responsible for every action you execute. To err is human, to forgive divine, to ignore discontent. In any situation, as in Murphy’s law, you are prone to make mistakes. About 80% of your decision could change once you are in battle. But it takes a wise commander to separate the good from the bad decisions, and even a greater commander to keep his head cool throughout the process. Talking about a great commander, it is he who would eliminate his ego for the greater purpose. Who would be willing to take counsel by his fellow associates and make the final decision. After all it is Xerxes, ruler of Persia who once said that “a leader who is not willing to abandon his ego is unfit to command”. If you want to command, be a role model.

3. Order out of chaos
Order is the guiding star for victory. This requires mental calculation of effective organization which can be worthy as the calculations done by Newton or Einstien; a matter that is further compounded during the heat of the battle. A commanders ability can thus be judged. Nonetheless with so many intricate and moving parts, people play a role in maximizing the chances of victory. I always share Li Ka Shing’s statement that you as a commander will not be as good in manning a machine gun than a gunner or operating a cannon than a cannoner. Your job, as Commander-in-Chief is to map out the strategy and order. So employ them into posts you and your associates deem fit is worthy for their strengths and character; and equally avoid having them occupy posts they have weaknesses. Should your enemy find your ‘centre of gravity’, you will be wiped out.

4. Belief of victory
Who better to ascertain victory to the people than the commander himself? The presence of an indomitable will and self-belief not only will pull forward recruits of greater minds but will add the tempest to win. Nothing kills off the spirit of the people than a leader whose judgement is so clouded and so uncertain of winning. Even a small dash of doubt would make the commander look unworthy. The leader will need to communicate clear, direct goals worthy for the battalions to tackle. They in turn will need to be nourished and treated as if an extension of one’s minds and arms. Do that then the ensuing commands will be easy to execute.

5. A taskmaster’s virtue.
In the course of progress, it is the commanders’ duty to make monumental tasks, and push forward those generals who he has assigned to execute them. These generals require the finesses of mind and initiative whose reason, above all else, is to do the right thing. The essence of challenge would require the commander to ponder and calculate upon. It may take five hours or it may even take one minute to think about, but his duty then again lies in delegating the jobs he create. A sense of urgency and progress will thus reflect upon the whole contingency with awesome positivity.

