Mike Mcdonald
Leadership and Succession
2 min readOct 2, 2017



Leadership can be a broad topic with many unique applications to ones work. I hope I have been able to successfully convey some of the key points outlining leadership to my readers. This being my final post, I’d like to consider the idea of application. How can we improve our leadership skills and build a confidence to back them?

As I have already expressed, communication is the most important theme while considering Doyle’s top ten leadership traits. Communicating ideas and beliefs or opinions will act as conversation starters, it will encourage others to use their voice also. Leaders use communication to aid some of the other important skills of leadership as well; positivity, motivation, creativity and flexibility are all expressions that are communicated.

I think the first step to great leadership is understanding what kind of meaning your work has for others and yourself. People must understand why the work they do is important, as well as imperative. Commitment to the work we do and the teams we work with is important. In addition to making people feel valued in the workplace (or on any given team), they can trust their competent leader for quality feedback. People will put their trust in you while you sail their ship of well-being and means of income.

For my own self improvement, I’d like to tackle my commitment to every bit of work that is passed my way. This may seem like one of the least significant factors to a good leader. I believe if I commit myself, I will complete things more efficiently and have a better quality outcome. An important lesson that I have learned while creating this blog is the usefulness of being able to set something down and pick up where I left off. We had weeks to develop and hone in on a specific thought or idea. This required being able to set down incomplete work and divide our ideas into a series of posts. So far many good lessons and ideas have been shared in this class, I’m certain there are many more to come.

