800 million jobs could be lost to AI and Automation by 2030

Yosef Nesirat
Leadership By Design
3 min readApr 1, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on the rise, and experts are warning that it could lead to a significant loss of jobs. In fact, a study by the McKinsey Global Institute suggests that between 400 and 800 million jobs worldwide could be displaced by automation and AI by 2030. A PWC study in 2018 estimated that AI and automation could affect around 30% of jobs in the UK by mid-2030s, with the greatest impact on jobs in transportation and storage, manufacturing, and wholesale and retail trade sectors.

While the fear of displacement is understandable, it’s worth noting that AI can also create new jobs. According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), automation and AI could displace 85 million jobs globally by 2025, but they could also create 97 million new jobs in industries such as data analysis, AI development, and content creation.

It’s difficult to predict the exact percentage of jobs that will be replaced by AI, but it’s clear that we’re in the midst of a fourth industrial revolution characterized by the integration of digital, physical, and biological systems and technologies, such as the Internet of Things, AI, and biotechnology.

So, how can we prepare for this disruption? Here are some steps you can take:

Stay informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest developments in AI and how they may impact your industry or job. Read industry publications, attend conferences, and participate in online forums and communities to stay informed about emerging trends.

Learn new skills: Identify the skills that will be in demand in an AI-driven economy, such as data analysis, programming, and AI development. Consider taking courses or pursuing certifications to develop these skills and increase your employability.

Adapt to new roles: As AI becomes more prevalent, some jobs may be automated or transformed, while others may emerge. Be open to adapting to new roles and responsibilities, and be willing to learn new skills as needed.

Focus on creative and social skills: While some jobs may be replaced by AI, others will require skills that are difficult for machines to replicate, such as creativity, critical thinking, and social skills. Focus on developing these skills, as they will become increasingly valuable in an AI-driven economy.

Network and build relationships: Building strong relationships with colleagues, mentors, and other professionals in your industry can help you stay informed about emerging trends and opportunities, and may also lead to new job opportunities.

Embrace lifelong learning: In an AI-driven economy, the ability to learn new skills and adapt to new roles will be critical. Embrace lifelong learning as a way to stay ahead of the curve and remain employable in a rapidly changing job market.

As we continue to navigate the impact of AI on the job market, it’s important to remember that technology is not the enemy. Instead, we should focus on how we can use it to our advantage, and prepare ourselves to thrive in a changing landscape.

The impact of AI on the job market is inevitable, but we can take steps to prepare ourselves for it. By staying informed, learning new skills, adapting to new roles, focusing on creative and social skills, networking and building relationships, and embracing lifelong learning, we can position ourselves for success in an AI-driven economy.

So, let’s take action today and start preparing for the future. The world is changing rapidly, and we have to keep up with it to stay relevant and succeed.



Yosef Nesirat
Leadership By Design

Consultant and "Author of 'Leadership By Design'. Writing about project management, information security, AI, leadership, and emerging tech.