10 leadership lessons every leader should learn from Robert Mugabe’s ouster

Chika Ebuzor
Leadership Class
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2018


Former Zimbabwe President, Robert Mugabe. Image Credit: Quartz

Zimbabweans woke up to a shock when the military announced on Televison that they had taken over the government.

Maj Gen SB Moyo’s announcement brought to an end, what seemed to be the ‘everlasting’ reign of Robert Mugabe, the country’s leader for over 30 years.

Mugabe’s troubles started when he fired his close ally and vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa, allegedly in a bid to pave way for his wife, Grace Mugabe to take over from him.

Mugabe’s ouster has brought to the fore, some key leadership lessons.

1. Don’t assume your followers love you, practice leadership by walking around. It will help you feel their pulse.

2. Beware of praise singers and the small voice of deception.

3. Close doors gently when parting ways with your allies.

4. Know when to bow out and give room for others to shine, because it is not all about you.

5. Power will always come back to you, if you release it.

6. Embrace criticism and study to understand the points in every opposing view.

7. Leadership is about influence. Coercion will not always work.

8. Take feedback from your followers seriously. You will blame yourself if you ignore it.

9. Be open to change and new ideas. Don’t isolate yourself from positive people and development.

10. Emotional intelligence is a requirement for every leader.

Thank you for finding time to read.

