4 Basic Essentials Of Leadership

Chika Ebuzor
Leadership Class
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2018


Leadership is a call to responsibility. Leadership is about influence.

You are a leader if you can cause people to aspire to your aspirations.

A leader points the organization in a direction, and also shows his followers how to get there.

To be a good leader, you have to understand that:

  1. Leadership Begins With You: Our lives are defined by small daily acts of improvement.

Every human being is a leader, and in you is the ability to lead, no matter the level at which you find yourself.

Leadership is not about the position you hold, it is about doing your best to improve yourself, and those around you.

Leaders take responsibility. They do not blame others. The best way to influence others is to live by example.

Leaders do what is right and not what is easy at the time.

In your chosen field, show the highest level of excellence, not because you want a promotion.

2. Leaders Build Relationships: Leaders put people first. The secret of great leadership is to appreciate people.

Business success and nation building is hinged on building positive relationships.

Leaders build relationships, celebrate others and give room for failure.

A great leader is like the sun. The sun gives up itself to nourish plants, and in turn, the plants grow towards the direction of the sun.

Treating people well makes the difference. The behavior you most celebrate in people will be the most repeated.


A. Be real: People love a leader who is real and sensitive. The best leaders are sensitive and considerate leaders.

For someone to be able to run with your vision, they have to know you care for them.

B. Meet the people: Build a relationship with your people by getting to know them beyond their work schedule.

Be interested in their personal details-birthdays, anniversaries, children’s names, hobbies etc.

C. Say please and thank you: Good manners and mutual respect fuels every relationship. These two words express your appreciation and respect.

For you to get the best out of people, you must let them know you appreciate them.

D. Under-promise and over-deliver: This strategy builds credibility among team members and credibility breeds trust.

Trust is a well needed ingredient in building relationships.

Go the extra mile to build relationships today. Leaders do what is right and not what is easy.

3. Self Mastery Is Vital: You cannot lead anyone, until you have mastered the art of leading yourself.

For instance, you cannot praise your team mate’s ingenuity, if you have a low self image of yourself.

You cannot celebrate another person if you do not feel good about yourself. The best leaders in organizations, have mastered the art of self leadership.

They learn from every personal mistake, and guide their followers along the right path.

Organizational leadership begins with self leadership. Get yourself together, and your team mates will emulate you. Live from the inside out.


A. Be humble enough to learn from your mistakes and team mates. Life is filled with various learning processes. Be a life long learner.

B. Care for your physical well being and your family.

C. Meditate in a quiet environment.

D. Learn to say “NO”.

E. Associate with goal getters-men with track records of proven success you would like to emulate.

You can do it physically or by reading their books or attending trainings and seminars. Remember be a learner, commit to a continuous learning process.

4. Leaders Always Think Legacy: When you leave the face of the earth, or that organization what will you be remembered for?

Leaders leave a legacy for others to follow. They leave the world better than they met it.

A wise man leaves an inheritance for his children.

Thank you for finding time to read.

