4 Questions Every Leader Must Answer

Chika Ebuzor
Leadership Class
Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2018


Image Credit: Early Child Training Center

Leadership is an honourable task that comes with challenges which might make most faint hearted leaders throw in the towel.

Think of where you would have been today, if the guy who invented the telephone, airplane or the car gave up.

The resolve to make people better are some of the qualities that make our followers want to learn from us.

You cannot lead without people, and people will only run after a leader who has something to offer.

Do you have what it takes to constantly remain relevant to your team members or do you depend on your position to coerce people?

Relational leadership has since overtaken the positional leadership approach, and it is important that leaders should work hard to develop their competence.

Followers actually have a choice.

If you are stripped of that office today, will you still remain relevant to those you once led?

Every leader has to answer these 4 questions:

Question 1: Do you have the relevant knowledge that will add value to your team members?

Followers are interested in knowing whether their leader has knowledge of the task and vision.

They will always support a leader who shows professional mastery and tact in meeting their personal and emotional needs.

Question 2: Are you motivating your team members enough?

Committed leaders raise highly motivated leaders too. A positive attitude sends an inspiring message to your team members and ignites their desire to pursue the vision you have placed before them.

Remember! Influential leaders do not infect their followers with their fears.

Question 3: What ability do you possess, or need to acquire to add value to your team members’ lives and work?

Followers want to know If their leader has anything to offer, or if he can add value.

Their response to you will be proportionate to your degree of relevance. Can you take them there? Wherever there is!

Question 4: Am I trustworthy?

Trust is earned, it is not bestowed. You have to earn the trust of your team members to be able to let them open up to you.

If they trust you, they will put in their best to make you look good, because they know you always have their backs.

Someone once said “If you set yourself on fire, people will come and watch you burn.”

You stand a risk of ending up in the hospital if you apply this quote literally, but the import is that people will be attracted to a leader who always adds value to their lives and work.

Thank you for finding time to read.

