5 Keys To Fostering A Healthy Work Environment

Chika Ebuzor
Leadership Class
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2018


Image Credit: Steelcase

To promote effectiveness and productivity in the workplace, the work environment has to be conducive for everyone.

A healthy work environment does not refer to safety and health alone.

According to occupational health expert, L. R. Murphy, a healthy work environment is one whose culture, climate and organisational practises create an environment which promotes employees’ mental and physical health, as well as productivity and organisational effectiveness.

Here are the various factors that make up a healthy workplace.

1. Employee Engagement: This involves creating an environment in which people have an impact on decisions and actions that affect their jobs.

In this kind of environment, employees are given some autonomy to make inputs in the decision making process of the company.

This is the secret of Google’s successful array of products.

2. Balance: Employers need to encourage their employees to maintain a balanced life. This is where empathy comes to play.

As the team leader, you have to understand when your employee needs time off.

Observe if they are happy on the job, and ask questions about their family or things that they care about.

3. Recognition: People want to be recognised. As a team leader, you can boost staff morale by commending their efforts and giving praise.

4. Employee development: When employees are encouraged to improve their skills through training programmes, they are inspired and happy.

Get to know their training needs and work towards meeting them.

5. The Physical environment: The ambience of a work place has a lot of impact on the mental well-being of your team.

When considering your physical environment, here are some questions you should ask:

A. Is it safe?

B. Are the colours energetic or dull?

C. Is the environment clean?

D. Is it too hot or cold?

These factors contribute immensely to workplace effectiveness.

Benefits of maintaining a healthy workplace.

1. Increases employee morale.

2. Ensures job satisfaction.

3. Boosts productivity.

4. Fosters a cordial employer-employee relationship.

5. Reduces the rate of absenteeism.

6. Reduction in healthcare costs.

