5 simple things you can do to empower your team members

Chika Ebuzor
Leadership Class
Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2018


Leadership is responsibility. It is beyond bringing a group of people together to achieve a task.

Leadership is also about transforming the lives of those who serve in your team by helping them see the bigger picture and how it will impact on their lives.

As a leader, it is your responsibility to empower the members on your team.

Here are some simple ways you can do that.

1. Affirmations: Your words of affirmation, encouragement and support will always boost the morale of your team.

Words of affirmation are like fuel. They ignite excitement and a sense of belonging in the team.

Team members will always go the long haul for a leader who always encourages them.

Please bear in mind that people know when they are being cajoled. They can tell when a leader is not being sincere.

Your words of affirmation have to come from a true heart of appreciation for work done or exemplary qualities displayed.

2. Provision of Resources: You can also empower your team members by providing them with all the resources they require to; first of all, improve their skills, then achieve tasks and goals.

A motivated team will achieve any goal, no matter how daunting the challenges may seem.

3. Feedback: Most team members want to know what the leader thinks about their work and how they can be better.

It is the responsibility of the leader to give an objective assessment of everyone’s input, with a view to pointing areas of improvement.

Sadly, most leaders have turned feedback sessions into bashing sessions where individuals are shamed and most times, verbally abused.

To empower your team, understand that objective feedback that is devoid of personal affront will spur each member to bring out their best.

4. Mentoring: A leader is a shepherd of some sort. Leaders are teachers. Every effective leader has an informal or formal mentoring system where protégés are guided and taught.

5. Show concern: Team members will always put in their best for a leader who always shows genuine concern about them.

They get excited about their job and tasks. It is a morale booster, and there is no limitation that can stop a team with passion and conviction.

