The 5 Way Communication Test For Every Leader

Chika Ebuzor
Leadership Class
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2018


Image Credit: PropertyProfessional

Your word as a leader has a direct, powerful and immediate impact on your team members and their output.

It can make or mar your relationship with them or the achievement of the team’s goal(s).

I read somewhere that death and life lies in the power of the tongue, and if you use it rightly or wrongly, you will reap its result.

Before you communicate with your team, please THINK and provide answers to the following questions:

1. T — Is it True? Is what you are about to say, the truth? Have you properly done your investigation and verified the facts?

2. H — Is it Helpful? Will the words you speak help achieve the team’s goals? Will it add value to your team members’ lives? Will it bring a solution?

3. I — Is it Inspiring? Does your word inspire and uplift the people who work with you? How will it inspire creativity and innovation?

4. N — Is it Necessary? Is what you are about to say necessary at that point in time, can it be re-phrased? Will it cause more tension?

5. K — Is it Kind? Will those words break the morale of that person? Will it leave them better that they were? Will it hurt them and affect their work negatively?

Thank you for finding time to read this article.

