Your Words Can Limit Your Productivity

Chika Ebuzor
Leadership Class
Published in
3 min readFeb 1, 2018


Image Credit: Ericchester

A word as defined by the Oxford dictionary is:

1. A unit of language that means something and can be spoken or written.

2. It also defined as a thing you say.

Your words have a direct, powerful and immediate impact on your life. The words you speak can make or mar you.

It is said that death and life can be generated by using the power of the tongue, and if you use it wrongly, you will reap its result.

Let’s face it; the level of life you are living today is as a result of the things which you said yesterday. You always get what you say.

Most of you say negative things concerning yourself, your kids, your job, boss and career, and when they come to pass, you blame it on the management, your enemies or the devil.

Your words will determine how far you grow in life.

No matter how successful you are today, if your words are negative and filled with fear, you will be headed in the way of your words.

Words are building blocks of destiny and life. If you can take care of your words, your life will be taken care of.

Our words are potent tools for creation. What you continually talk about, will show up in your life. Learn to speak words that build your self image and worth.

Speak words like:

I am making progress in life.

I am making progress in my career and business.

I am excelling in my job and every other responsibility given to me.

Before long, you will see these words come alive. Begin now and diligently keep at it.

Your words are your thoughts amplified. When you start speaking the right words, the things you will do to start boosting your productivity will show up.

You work will start being noticed by your superiors.

There are some major factors that determine the words we speak.

They are:

1. Our environment: This is a principal determinant of our words. Our environment is classified into two (2).

They are our physical environment, and our mental environment.

Your physical environment refers to the physical factors that surround you everyday, while your mental environment refers to the silent inner pictures your mind sends to you once in a while.

Your mental environment can override any prevailing circumstance around you, if you harness its inherent power.

The reason most people perform poorly is because their minds have been paralyzed from seeing opportunities.

Poverty is not the absence of required necessities; it is the acceptance and confession of self devaluating thoughts created in your mental environment.

2. Information: The right kind of information forms the right kind of picture in your mind, which will eventually form your words, because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

Guard your mind with diligence because issues that will affect your life flow from it.

Consciously feed your mind with the right thoughts, read and listen to materials that will edify you, and choke every negative thought with a positive thought. Believe me, It Works!!!

3. Association: The people you relate with will also fashion your words. Evil communication corrupt good manners. Choose to be around people that see possibilities.

Also be around people that talk you up. I have been around people who fed their ego by talking me down.

I had to take a bold decision to end those relationships because their words began to give me a negative mindset.

If you have to end a relationship that demeans you, please do, but close the doors gently.

Please Remember This: “Your environment influences your thoughts, your thoughts fashion your words, and your words create your destiny.”

It is my desire that you will fulfill God’s plan for your life.

Thank you and have a great day.

