Looking Crazy Good? The 7 Ways He Buys Your Item

The anatomy of an impulse purchase: How to grab him — that unsuspecting random shopper

Joseph Serwach
Leadership Culture


An example of great packaging for an impulse purchase. Photo by Joseph Serwach.

You don’t think “impulse buying” is a real thing? Here’s how it happened for me just now — seven things to get someone to buy your stuff.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response,” ― Viktor Frankl

Ingredient 1: Trust and well-earned reputation

I was in Costco, basically my favorite store (so the trust has been earned over a 24 year-relationship), and all I needed to do was pick up some prescriptions. I decided to do a “quick walk-through” to get in my “daily steps” and to see if there was anything “really cool to see.”

Ingredient 2: The message (it’s crazy good)

And there it was, something that looked “crazy good,” a couple of jars of Sonoma Gourmet Creamy Alfredo. Each one of those words grabbed my eye:

  • Sonoma is the place in California with the classy Californians who make and drink wine — so they must make good pasta sauce, right?
  • Gourmet. Yes. You want gourmet food. Not junk.
  • Creamy. No need to…



Joseph Serwach
Leadership Culture

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish. https://serwachjoe.medium.com/membership