The Law of the Gift: Live Life Like You’re Playing a New Video Game

New research: “psychological flexibility,’’ is the key

Joseph Serwach
Leadership Culture


Psychological flexibility, the ability to focus on the current moment, is the key to happiness in life, relationships, and work, according to a new review of 173 research studies.

Psychologically flexible people, the British Psychological Society concludes, are:

“Open to and accepting of experiences, whether they are good or bad; they try to be mindfully aware of the present moment; they experience difficult thoughts without ruminating on them; they seek to maintain a broader perspective when faced with a challenge; they continue to pursue important goals despite setbacks; and they maintain contact with ‘deeper values,’ no matter how stressful a day might be.”

The gaming life: Every day is a new test

Flashback: fall 1996. Nintendo 64 was the newest hottest “must-have” video console, and my kids wanted one for Christmas. When I told them they were nearly impossible to find, and they might have to wait for one to be available, our 9-year-old said the magic words that forced me to give it my all:

“It’s OK, Dad, I know you’ll be able to get one because you’re a Serwach, and a Serwach can do…



Joseph Serwach
Leadership Culture

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.