The Return of the Roaring 20s Revival: Back in the Old Routine?

The Disposable Downtown? Detroit is resurrecting century-old buildings while toppling the newer 1970s eye sores

Joseph Serwach
Leadership Culture


The old Michigan Central Train Depot, built in 1914 and previously an empty example of “urban ruin” since the 1980s, was never fully utilized after it was built (passenger train traffic shrunk rather than grew). Still, Ford Motor Co. has completely renovated the property as a development hub for future automotive goals like autonomous vehicles-image by Helmut Ziewers courtesy of
The old Michigan Central Train Depot, built in 1914 and previously an empty example of “urban ruin” since the 1980s, was never fully utilized after it was built (passenger train traffic shrunk rather than grew). Still, Ford Motor Co. has completely renovated the property as a development hub for future automotive goals like autonomous vehicles—image by Helmut Ziewers courtesy of

It’s out with the new and in with the old in Detroit. Its 1974 icon soared and sank, while its 1914 icon was ignored, resurrected, restored, and revived.

  • The old icon abandoned — now resurrected. Detroit’s oldest neighborhood is home to “the Corktown gold rush” as Ford Motor Company resurrects a 100-year-old train depot as a new tech hub.
  • The “new” icon of revival is now pushed aside. General Motors Corp is simultaneously leaving behind the Renaissance Center, the tallest skyscraper in Michigan built to “save the city” in 1974. It’s in trouble.

GM CEO Mary Bara is looking for alternate uses but won’t rule out demolishing the now 50-year-old building its renovated repeatedly. So Detroit resurrects 100-year-old buildings while demolishing 1970s buildings?

There’s a new consensus that the old 1920s buildings deserve to be saved, while the newer 1970s aren’t nearly as worthy of restoration



Joseph Serwach
Leadership Culture

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.