How Are Your Employees Really Doing?

Everything in 2020 changed in a big way with the coming of Covid-19. Checking up on employees to see how they genuinely feel can help boost workplace productivity. Due to forced isolation and the loss of normal routines, many people have encountered a downward spiral of depression and despair they may never have experienced before. Checking up on employees to have positive interactions with them can make a big difference.

Calm in the Storm

To foster feelings of calm, even inside of a storm can make a big difference. A manager or entrepreneur that reacts calmly to stressful situations can instill confidence in their employees and help them to feel more at ease. Being aware of your inner dialogue can allow you to regulate it so that it doesn’t become destructive when emotions run high. Once someone becomes aware of their feelings, the goal isn’t to attempt to control their emotions. That is a nearly impossible task. However, if you think of it in terms of a racetrack, drivers can’t control the wall; they can only control their own trajectory along the track. The focus must be on the choices they make to direct their emotions down a better path.

Run Employee Satisfaction Surveys

For those who focus on improving the employee experience, satisfaction will shoot through the roof. People want to lift the mood during a crisis because of the positive effects that it will have overall. Take a survey and use the feedback to learn what can improve. As much as possible, listen to employee feedback and try to make things better.

Transparency Leads to Happier Outcomes

Entrepreneurs should do their best to stay as transparent with their employees as they possibly can. Throughout the business, the more transparent they are in conducting their business affairs, the more trusting the employees will feel, and when they understand how the process works, they will be more willing to help.

The ultimate goal comes down to caring for the entire person. It looks at everything going on in the employee’s life from the mental to the social to the career. Nothing is overlooked because when one aspect isn’t doing so well, all the other areas will do poorly. This can lead to a lower retention rate and a higher cost.

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Richard Simon
Leadership Development and Career Advice| Rick Simon Chicago

Richard Simon is a Chicago-based business man and the President and CEO of United Service Companies.