Training New Supervisors

Many people become a supervisor after they have been promoted from a lower position. Some people assume that someone who already worked at the company doesn’t need training; however, a new supervisor has much more responsibility than before. Taking the time to train a new supervisor properly can help with the transition to their new position.

Talk to Employees
It’s beneficial to survey employees and get an idea of their feelings. Ask what they believed the strengths and weaknesses of the prior manager were. Any ideas or suggestions that could make the department better can also be taken into consideration at this time. Take all of these ideas into account, as well as the needs of the business, when developing a training plan for the new supervisor.

Teach Basic Management Skills
Supervisors must have the ability to:

Look for these when hiring a new supervisor. If a new supervisor lacks any of these critical skills, take the time to teach him or her.

Go Over Policies and Procedures
Even if the new supervisor is a long time employee, it’s a good idea to go over all of the policies and procedures. While they may have a general understanding of these, an employee new to the supervisory role may see them from a new perspective. There also may be some additional procedures they are expected to follow. Supervisors are expected to know and follow the rules to set a good example. Explain the expectations clearly and train them in any procedures they may not know how to do.

After training, never walk away and assume the supervisor has it under control. Follow up with the new supervisor regularly and see where additional training may be needed and what support can be offered. When the supervisor knows that they are part of a team and have support, this can give them the confidence they need as they assume this new position.

Congratulations on hiring a new supervisor. Training them properly will help your new supervisor and employees know what is expected of them. This will keep the business running smoothly during the transition.

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Richard Simon
Leadership Development and Career Advice| Rick Simon Chicago

Richard Simon is a Chicago-based business man and the President and CEO of United Service Companies.