Job Shadowing with Professor Betty Tsakarestou

Betty Tsakarestou Betty Tsakarestou Dimitra Iordanoglou Christina Nikola Elenakar Joannavalanida Anna-Lydia Pagoni Karanastasiantonia

with a simple yet profound objective: to observe and learn from an experienced leader in the field of communication and media. As students of the Leadership & Emotional Intelligence class at Panteion University, we were tasked with job shadowing a leader who embodies the qualities we aspire to develop. We chose none other than our esteemed professor, Betty Tsakarestou, whose multifaceted career and impactful leadership made her the perfect candidate for this project.

Stepping Into the World of Leadership

From the moment we approached Professor Tsakarestou with our request, her enthusiasm and openness set the tone for our experience. We were welcomed into her world, a dynamic environment where academia, industry, and innovation intersect. Our shadowing began with an introduction to her daily routine, which, as we quickly learned, was anything but routine.

A Day in the Life of Prof. Tsakarestou

Prof. Tsakarestou’s days are filled with a variety of activities, from teaching and mentoring to organizing workshops and collaborating with industry professionals. One of the most stable parts of her schedule is the AD&PR Lab workshops and postgraduate courses in cultural management and digital transformation. These sessions are not just about imparting knowledge but about fostering creativity and critical thinking.

She shared with us that her role extends beyond teaching; it involves constant planning, meeting with external partners, and adapting the lab’s programs to meet the evolving needs of the industry. This hands-on approach ensures that the lab remains at the forefront of academic and professional development.

Challenges and Triumphs

Throughout her career, Prof. Tsakarestou has faced numerous challenges. She candidly shared that every phase brought new difficulties, but none were insurmountable. Her resilience and determination have been key to overcoming these obstacles. Whether it was establishing the AD&PR Lab or navigating the changes brought by the digital era, she has met each challenge head-on with innovative solutions and a positive mindset.

“Challenges are a constant part of the journey, but they keep me motivated and engaged. Finding innovative solutions and continuously improving has been essential to my success.”

The Evolution of the AD&PR Lab

The AD&PR Lab began as a modest advertising and public relations workshop. Prof. Tsakarestou’s vision transformed it into an incubator for future leaders, integrating academic theory with practical training. This startup approach was revolutionary, filling significant gaps in the traditional academic curriculum by providing hands-on marketing and advertising education through industry collaborations.

“We started as a public relations workshop, and now we are an incubator for future leaders. By collaborating with industry professionals, we ensure our students receive comprehensive, practical training.”

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

One of the most valuable lessons we learned from Prof. Tsakarestou was the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership. She emphasized the need for self-awareness, empathy, and relationship management. Her leadership style is deeply rooted in these principles, which she demonstrates through her interactions with students and colleagues.

“Your external appearance has to also refer to your character. Your role needs mindfulness. It’s yourself that puts you in groups.”

A Moment of Transformation: Inspiration from the Benaki Museum Visit

During our visit to the Benaki Museum for the “Poor Things” movie costumes exhibition, Prof. Betty Tsakarestou shared a profound reflection on her journey. She recounted her early days as a doctoral student, a period marked by intense scrutiny and strict discipline. This challenging environment shaped her resilience and determination.

Prof. Tsakarestou recalled a pivotal moment during an event for the opening of a business in Athens. It was then that she realized the necessity of making a significant impact, not just through words, but through actions as well. This epiphany led her to experiment with her appearance, using it as a tool to craft a new persona — the influential leader we admire today. She emphasized the importance of aligning one’s external appearance with their character, stating, “Your external appearance has to also refer to your character. Your role needs mindfulness. It’s yourself that puts you in groups.”

This moment of transformation highlighted the power of self-presentation and the mindful cultivation of one’s personal and professional identity. Prof. Tsakarestou’s journey from a disciplined student to a charismatic leader demonstrates the significance of authenticity and intentionality in leadership. Her story inspires us to embrace our unique identities and use them to make a meaningful impact in our chosen fields.

Deepening Insights: Prof. Betty Tsakarestou’s Wisdom

Taking All Opportunities: Prof. Tsakarestou passionately believes in the importance of seizing every opportunity that comes one’s way. She emphasized, “Take all the opportunities that are given to you.” She elaborated on this by explaining that opportunities are omnipresent, often emerging from unexpected places. To capitalize on these opportunities, one must remain open to the dynamic flow of life, constantly mingling with diverse groups and environments. She encouraged students, particularly those in the field of communication and social sciences, to be proactive in their learning journey.

Her words: “Opportunities are always there, and they come from everywhere. One must be open to the ongoing vibe. Mingle with people, don’t stay put and stable. New students are scientists of the society, they must take the initiative to learn. By exposing itself in numerous multifaceted environments you train yourself to pick up all useful knowledge and upgrade skills. Keep searching events, forums, gatherings, and all sorts of official or unofficial things. These are all opportunities, for learning for finding for everything.”

Creating the Unique and Meaningful: Prof. Tsakarestou also stressed the significance of innovation and originality. She advised, “Do something that doesn’t exist, that others haven’t done.” This philosophy underpins her own career, marked by pioneering initiatives and groundbreaking projects. She explained that true innovation stems from a deep-seated ambition to create something meaningful, not just replicating existing ideas.

Her insight: “These are thoughts of mine, for someone to have the ambition to create something meaningful and not repeat the same information. You cannot direct someone to be different; one must have the inner wish for quest and search of the authentic.”

A Nod to Prof. Potamianos: The Mentor Behind the Mentor

As we reflect on our journey and the profound impact of Prof. Betty Tsakarestou, it is essential to acknowledge the significant role played by her initial mentor, Prof. Potamianos. His guidance and support were instrumental in shaping Prof. Tsakarestou’s career and vision. Prof. Potamianos’s mentorship provided the foundation upon which Prof. Tsakarestou built her innovative and influential career. His influence is evident in her dedication to fostering creativity, critical thinking, and excellence in her students. We are grateful for the legacy of mentorship that Prof. Potamianos initiated, which continues to inspire and guide us through Prof. Tsakarestou.

Reflecting on Our Experience

Our time shadowing Prof. Tsakarestou was transformative. We not only observed her leadership style but also engaged with her philosophy of continuous learning and innovation. Her dedication to fostering creativity and critical thinking has left a lasting impression on us.

A Heartfelt Thank You

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Betty Tsakarestou for her unwavering support and dedication to our growth and development. Her leadership, wisdom, and encouragement have profoundly impacted our academic journey and personal growth. Prof. Tsakarestou’s passion for teaching and commitment to fostering creativity and innovation have inspired us to pursue our dreams with confidence and enthusiasm. Thank you for being an exceptional mentor and a shining example of leadership and emotional intelligence. Your contributions have made a lasting difference in our lives, and we are deeply grateful for all that you have done for us.


Our job shadowing experience with Prof. Betty Tsakarestou was more than an academic exercise; it was a journey of discovery and transformation. We learned the importance of resilience, innovation, and emotional intelligence in leadership. Her insights and experiences have equipped us with the tools to navigate our future careers and make meaningful contributions to our fields. This project has been a testament to the power of mentorship and the lasting impact of an inspirational leader.

