The Story Behind Rosanna Croft’s Jewellery Brand & How The Founder Is ‘Bringing The Love Back’

Rachel Nielsen
Leadership Gazette
Published in
4 min readDec 15, 2020
Roseanna Croft founder of Roseanna Croft Jewellery

The Leadership Gazette team loves all things sparkly and shiny, so we are incredibly excited to welcome the very talented Roseanna Croft, founder of Roseanna Croft Jewellery.

Roseanna’s story officially begins ten years before entering the world of small business ownership here in the UK, working as a jewellery designer and goldsmith. But from a young age, Roseanna recalls having a particular mindset that has helped her journey into entrepreneurship:

“I have always been creative and entrepreneurial, beginning work when I was 13 but never really had the dream to start my own business, I kind of fell into it. In the beginning, I didn’t know where I was going, but it is in the last three years that I have begun to find my way as a leader and business owner.”

There is no conventional route to success. Roseanna proves that you can still start a business without the typical qualifications most designers or business owners have if you have the dreams and ambitions of someone who wants to change the world.

“I believe my business is bringing ‘love’ back into the world. As a jeweller, we work with Love every day, but I think it is rare that it is actively felt and shown. I ensure Love and compassion for all my customers, their jewellery and their designs.”

Rosanna has created the UK’s first self-love jewellery brand called ‘Love, Me’. It is a movement to encourage people to love themselves and to choose themselves first.

“I have designed a ring, and a necklace women can wear as a daily reminder they love themselves”

It’s also a way to show the world they put themselves first. The brand is non-profit, too; the profits go towards young women loving themselves, through workshops and mentoring.

Roseanna stands out in her industry as a fresh, young pair of eyes in an industry generally filled with 50+-year-old men.

“It can be intimidating, but I strive forward nonetheless. I have ambitions to fill the world with Love again through our bespoke designs and the ‘Love, Me’ project.”

What better value to lead with than Love? After all, what is the world without Love?

Building a business based on values reflective of the owner is so important to overall brand image and brand success.

“Love and compassion for everyone are imperative to live the happiest life possible and to encourage others to do the same. Integrity, passion and ambition are other values we live by day-to-day.”

What is the best piece of leadership advice you have received and why?

“The most successful leaders are tenacious and resilient. I read this in a book recently, and it has become apparent to me (in a hard way) how tenacious you have to be as a leader and business owner. You sometimes have to be selfish, put business before friendships, be wary of being taken advantage of and never give up. I have been given a lot of advice over the years, but this really sticks with me and comes up often. It is sometimes tough to lead with Love in difficult situations, but this is another great piece of advice I have received to be a leader in my life; ‘if it does not fill you with joy, peace or love then let it go.”

Like most roads to entrepreneurship, it’s never without its bumps along the way, and Roseanna learned the hard lesson of hiring a friend who wasn’t a good fit for the business.

“I loved having her around, but my business went backwards. She wasn’t bringing in enough money (if any) to pay for herself. I should have let her go six months before I did. I have learned not to blur the lines between friendship and business and that sometimes you have to make tough decisions — you cannot keep everybody happy all of the time, business comes first.”

One of the benefits of working with customers is sharing and exchanging ideas at every step of the process.

She works hard with her team to build trust to have honest conversations about ideas and implement the right ones.

What does the future hold for Roseanna Croft Jewellery?

“We are expanding into London this year, and I plan to take myself completely out of the manufacturing process to concentrate on the brands’ growth. We expect RCJ to grow by at least 100% this time next year, bringing more design consultants into the company to scale and share our mission and beautiful bespoke jewellery throughout the UK. ‘Love, Me’ is a baby at the moment, but I plan to impact the lives of at least 1000 young women with our self-love workshops, mentoring and self-love jewellery.”

We are 100% behind Roseanna on her mission to bring the Love back! Make sure to follow her ‘Love, Me’ project (and be completely mesmerised by some of her gorgeous pieces!) on Instagram and online.

