Stop Kissing Frogs & Go To Court

(3 questions leaders should ask,
to make the right call every single time)

Sarah McDugal
leadership | growth | potential


Leadership isn’t a fairy tale.

When it comes to ethics, team management and other crucial decision-making, an awful lot of leaders leave things to chance. Sort of like the princess who kisses an awful lot of frogs and just hopes for the best.

But corporate and client relationships don’t typically happen by accident. In the real world, kissing frogs and hoping for the best is far more likely to leave you with a mouthful of warts than a dashing prince. And as a team leader or organizational figurehead, you don’t have the luxury of relying on chance.

You’ve drafted strategic business plans and marketing plans and investment plans. But what about your strategy for decision-making itself? Do you even have one?

Don’t freak out if you don’t. Here are three questions to ask, to help you make solid decisions. Every. Single. Time.

Take your options to court.

Pretend with me for a moment, that you could take every choice to court. At court, your ruling Queen has three advisors who work together to help you reach a final decision. She represents your willpower, your ability to choose.

These three advisors are called Consience, Common Sense, and Desire. When all three advisors give the same answer, your choice is clear.

Each advisor needs a simple Yes or No answer to one single question:

Conscience — Is it right?
Common Sense
— Is it best? (For this situation, person, place, time, etc.)
— Do I really want it? (Plus any consequences/ramifications it brings.)

You always have a choice.

These three simple questions make a profound difference in how you manage both your corporate and client relationships. Use these to achieve ethical yet savvy business choices that serve to both benefit your long-term vision and strengthen trust and credibility among those around you.

You are ultimately in the driver’s seat. No matter what other people do or say, your choices of how to act and react are your own.

Sarah McDugal
author | speaker | branding strategist
T+IG @sarahmcdugal

(Source Note: Foundational concepts for this article were gleaned from material written by the late Dr Lois Eggers, founder of Common Sense Psychology.)



Sarah McDugal
leadership | growth | potential

abuse recovery coach | author | autistic | INTJ | founder of WILD