What’s Wrong with the Lean Startup Model?

Surendra Reddy
Leadership Journal
Published in
1 min readOct 21, 2013

According to http://venturebeat.com/2013/10/16/lean-startups-boo/:

  1. The Lean Startup model encourages features vs. whole products
  2. It prematurely burns out our team
  3. These are hard products to love
  4. It devalues architecture
  5. It leads to the wrong discussion with your investors
  6. It distorts the Valley’s hiring model in weird ways

As long as one uses MVP without losing sight of the big picture, it always provides good discipline to build only the features that matters most. There is definitely lots of value in framework as long as they are applied with a common sense as well as don’t over do it for the heck of doing it. What do you think?



Surendra Reddy
Leadership Journal

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