7 Ways Introverts Can Be Great Leaders

John Todorovic
Leadership Keystone
6 min readNov 17, 2022

Introverts are often misunderstood. They are seen as shy and withdrawn, when in reality they simply process information and ideas differently than extroverts.

Introverts can make great leaders, because they have some unique qualities that other personality types may not have. In fact, many of the world’s most successful leaders are introverts. In this article, we will explore 7 ways introverts can be great leaders.

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Misconceptions About Leaders Who Are Introverts

There are many misconceptions about what it means to be an introverted leader. When people think of introverts, they often think of them as shy, anti-social, or even unfriendly. However, this could not be further from the truth. Introverts are simply people who prefer to process information and ideas internally.

This does not mean that they are shy or unfriendly, but simply that they prefer to spend time alone or in small groups rather than in sizeable crowds. In fact, many introverts are excellent leaders.

They can think carefully and logically before making decisions, and they often have a strong understanding of their own values and strengths. As a result, they can be very effective leaders who inspire others to follow them.

Despite these strengths, introverts often face discrimination in the workplace. Many employers value extroverted qualities, such as an outgoing personality and social skills, over the quiet confidence and thoughtful insights of introverts.

Author Susan Cain focuses on the concept of the Extrovert Ideal in part One of her book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. In it, she provided examples of how organizations try to turn introverts to extroverts.

As a result, introverts may find it difficult to advance in their careers despite their abilities. This is an unfortunate reality that needs to change. Introverts have a lot to offer as leaders, and we need to start valuing them for their strengths instead of discarding them because they don’t fit the mold.

How Can We Change the Workplace to Encourage Introverts?

It’s no secret that they set the workplace up in favor of extroverts. In fact, a lot of the workplace is designed to be a social environment. There are countless studies that show that people who are introverted leaders often times don’t get recognized for their leadership potential because they don’t take part in the social aspects of work.

This is a problem because there are a lot of introverts who have great leadership potential. Just because someone is introverted doesn’t mean they can’t be a great leader. In fact, there are many advantages that introverts have as leaders.

1. Introverts are Good Listeners

One of the most important qualities of a good leader is the ability to listen. As an introvert, you are likely naturally inclined to be a good listener. You probably don’t feel the need to fill every silence with small talk and instead allow others to speak.

This quality is essential for a leader because it allows you to really hear what others are saying and understand their needs and concerns. It also provides you with the opportunity to gain the trust of those you lead, build strong relationships, and make better decisions because you have considered all sides of an issue. When you are a good listener, people are more likely to follow your lead.

2. Introverts are Thoughtful and Reflective

Another strength of being an introvert is that you are likely more thoughtful and reflective than your extroverted counterparts are. This means that you take the time to really process information and make well-thought-out decisions. This is a valuable quality in a leader because it allows you to make decisions based on logic rather than emotion.

Of course, sometimes a more impulsive approach is called for, but in general, the ability to consider things is a major asset. So, if you’re an introvert who sometimes feels like you’re at a disadvantage, remember that your thoughtful nature is one of your greatest strengths.

3. Introverts are Good at Building Relationships One-on-One

Although introverts may not be the life of the party, they excel at building relationships one-on-one. This quality is essential for leaders because it allows them to develop deep, meaningful relationships with those they work with.

These types of relationships are key to trust and respect, both of which are necessary for effective leaders. Introverts are adept at taking the time to get to know someone and understanding their needs and motivations.

They are also patient listeners, which allows them to build rapport and trust. As a result, introverts can often develop strong relationships with those they work with, creating a foundation for effective leadership.

4. Introverts are Calm Under Pressure

Another outstanding quality of an introverted leader is that they tend to be calm under pressure. This is because they don’t get as easily frazzled or flustered as their extroverted counterparts do.

This calm demeanor is essential for leaders because it allows them to think clearly and make decisions quickly when things are going wrong. In a world where the pace of change is only getting faster, introverted leaders may be exactly what we need.

5. Introverts Focus on One Thing at a Time

One common misconception about introverts is that they are somehow less capable of multi-tasking than extroverts. The truth is introverts actually tend to be better at focusing on one thing at a time than extroverts.

This quality is beneficial for leaders because it allows them to stay focused on what is important and not get sidetracked by less important tasks. In today’s fast-paced world, the ability to focus is more important than ever.

Leaders who can stay focused on their goals and not get distracted by extraneous information are more likely to be successful.

6. Introverts Are Not Afraid of Solitude

Many people see solitude as a negative thing, but for leaders, it can be very positive. Leaders often need time alone to reflect on their choices and plan their next steps carefully. This quality allows them to make better decisions without being influenced by others around them.

It gives them the space they need to think clearly and make wise decisions. So, if you’re an introvert, don’t be afraid of solitude. Embrace it and use it to your advantage.

7. Introverts Have High Emotional Intelligence

One of the most important qualities of a leader is emotional intelligence. This includes self-awareness, empathy, and self-regulation. Leaders need to be aware of their own emotions and the emotions of those around them.

They need to be able to understand and empathize with others. And they need to be able to control their emotions in difficult situations.

Introverts tend to have strong emotional intelligence. This is because they are in tune with their own emotions and the emotions of others. They are good at reading people and understanding how they’re feeling. This makes them better able to respond effectively to the needs of those around them.

Why Introverts Make Great Leaders

Introverts have many qualities that make them great leaders. They are intelligent, strategic thinkers. They are good at communicating and building relationships. They are able to motivate and inspire others. And they have strong emotional intelligence. If you’re an introvert, don’t be afraid to step up and lead. You have what it takes to be successful.

Start your journey as an introverted leader by reading the article below. In it, I shared seven steps for you to get started with an effective self-reflection.

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John Todorovic
Leadership Keystone

I help emerging and established leaders master their own leadership style, understand their team members, and adapt to the ever-changing business needs.