9 Detailed Steps to Develop a Strategic Plan:

Nuru Mughenyi.
Leadership & Management.
2 min readMay 7, 2024

Strategic planning helps organizations set clear goals and align efforts to achieve them efficiently.

Following up on initial stages of strategic planning, let’s now look at how to fully develop a strategic plan.

Step 1:

Define Your Vision and Mission

Start by clarifying the organization’s long-term vision and immediate mission. This foundational step ensures that all subsequent actions align with these core objectives.

Step 2:

Conduct an Environmental Scan

Gather and analyze data on both the internal and external environments. This involves gathering data on market trends, competitor activities, regulatory changes, and internal operational capabilities.

Step 3:

Perform a SWOT Analysis

Perform a structured evaluation, known as a SWOT Analysis, as part of your strategic planning. This process involves identifying the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats related to your organization.

Step 4:

Set Goals and Objectives

Establish clear, measurable goals that aim to leverage strengths, address weaknesses, capitalize on opportunities, and mitigate threats.

Step 5:

Develop Strategies

Develop actionable strategies that should leverage strengths, mitigate weaknesses, capitalize on opportunities, and defend against threats.

Step 6:

Plan Implementation

Detail the actions needed to execute each strategy, including assigning responsibilities, setting timelines, and allocating necessary resources.

For example

A strategy to increase community health screenings might include training volunteers, scheduling screening events, and promoting these events, etc.

Step 7:

Executing the Strategic Plan

Executing the strategic plan involves launching the activities detailed in the plan, ensuring all team members know their tasks and timelines, and managing resources effectively.

Step 8:

Monitoring and Evaluation

Track progress using key performance indicators to assess the effectiveness of strategies and make adjustments.

For instance, track the number of participants at each screening event and the outcomes, etc.

Step 9:

Review and Adapt

Regularly review the strategic plan to ensure it remains relevant and effective in meeting organizational goals. Adjust strategies as needed based on the latest data and strategic assessments.


By following this structured strategic planning process, organizations can better navigate the complexities of their operating environments and achieve their long-term goals. This methodical approach ensures that resources are used efficiently and that efforts are effectively aligned with organizational objectives.



Nuru Mughenyi.
Leadership & Management.

Public Health Specialist | Gender and Community Development Expert | Human Rights Activist| Writer.