Always Be in Beta: Test & Learn Your Way to Exponential Growth

Michelle Denogean
Leadership {playbook}
3 min readAug 1, 2015

How do marketers push the envelope without breaking the bank?

A few weeks ago, Apple announced the beta launch of IOS 9. The idea was simple: release it early to developers and learn what needs to be adjusted in realtime. For developers and product teams this is a common practice. Terms like agile development, design thinking, lean startup, A/B testing, live within the realm of test & learn. But, for most marketers, the idea of beta testing is a foreign concept. After all, marketing is not just science, it is art — right?

Sure, most marketers spend months in focus groups, mapping out the consumer journey and trying to nail down the message that will resonate with their target customer, but it is rare to see marketers do true behavioral A/B testing of creative prior to launching a campaign.

Millions are spent without knowing whether or not a campaign will perform in the wild.

Maybe it is my product development background, or the fact that I have worked in technology companies for the past 15+ years, but in today’s day and age you can beta test almost anything before putting it in front of the masses.

Deciding on a new tagline? Put it on your homepage for a few days, or push it out via email, social or other owned channel.

New Video or TV spot concept? Test 2 or 3 low budget concepts on YouTube for a week and see which ones get more engagement.

Making small bets to optimize for the larger investment allows you to take more risks.

As Julian Aldridge from Charles Schwab once said…

Walk to the edge of the cliff and take a 1/2 step back

Test & learn takes the qualitative assessment out of a creative idea and gives your team permission to try things that are really out of the box. It also provides real data to say whether or not that crazy idea is worth investing in.

This is a new world. One where we can fail fast or gain confidence on a shoestring budget. The key is having the wherewithal to invest heavily when something really takes off.

I am not saying to throw caution to the wind and test every idea. Strategy plays a very important role in keeping tests on point with what you are trying to accomplish.

But, when was the last time you shot down an idea that you thought didn’t make sense or was too controversial? All disruptive ideas sound stupid on paper. You only have to look at companies like Twitter and Uber to know that is true.

In a world where exponential growth is expected, one must go for the gusto — but you can do it in smart ways that don’t break the bank if you adopt a beta state of mind.

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Michelle Denogean is the former CMO at She is a senior marketing executive, thought leader & practitioner in the world of business strategy, growth marketing, brand communications and digital disruption. Michelle is currently advising and consulting with start ups as a way to beta test her next career opportunity.This post is part of her leadership {playbook}, intended to advise, inspire and mentor leaders at all levels.

Follow Michelle on Twitter: @DenogeanNow



Michelle Denogean
Leadership {playbook}

Chief Marketing Officer | Growth Hacker | Strategist | Storyteller