Elon Musk and Blake Hall: Visionary Leadership Lessons at the Army-Navy Game

Kelly Perdew
Leadership Prevails
7 min readJan 8, 2024

Picture this: my partner Craig and I, pre-game with on-field access at the 124th annual Army-Navy football game, excited to reconnect with our military heritage, see old friends, and invariably meet more inspiring leaders.

We’re waiting for our guest, Blake Hall, a fellow Army veteran, visionary founding CEO at ID.me, and a role model of the extraordinary leadership we look to invest in at Moonshots Capital.

Blake walks in with his special +1: Elon Musk — who received crazy applause and chants of “ELON! ELON! ELON!” from a raucous Corps of Cadets. It reminded me of a scene from the movie Gladiator, where Russell Crowe, playing Maximus Decimus Meridius, challenges the crowd in the Coliseum with “are you not entertained?”

Elon and his son X with the Cadet Mule Rider.

This was going to be a day to remember.

Elon brought his four-year old son X to experience an Army-Navy game and then came to a private dinner with us after. We had incredible conversations: from space to South Park and everything in between, there was no topic Elon didn’t handle with depth and thoughtfulness.

There I was — talking to a titan of innovation whose ventures push the boundaries of human potential — and it amazed me how much his leadership style reminded me of Blake’s, a friend I’ve known and admired for 12 years since I wrote one of the first angel checks for his company. I realized that no matter their area of expertise, style of leadership or where they are in their entrepreneurial journey, great leaders like them have an uncanny ability to inspire.

Here’s how:

Moonshot Mentality: Where Ambition Meets Impact

World-changing leaders are dreamers of the highest order who set the bar for what it means to act boldly. Elon thrives on audacious goals that seem plucked from science fiction: he is working to colonize Mars through SpaceX missions, to transform Earth’s orbit and our communication systems through Starlink, and to revolutionize autonomous transportation and robotics through Tesla. Through ID.me, Blake is building an all-encompassing digital identity layer of the internet that will provide a world of seamless, privacy-first interactions where every individual has full control over their digital self.

Space X’s Starship Engines Firing

What unites these seemingly disparate ambitions? Both men are driven by a deep-seated desire to solve existential problems and improve the lives of countless people. Elon Musk doesn’t just want electric cars — he wants a sustainable future for humanity. Blake isn’t simply trying to make a better sign-in system — he aims to redefine the very fabric of trust and security in the digital age. Both have been attacked by competitors and investigated by the public sector; they both fought off those attacks and emerged stronger in their conviction.

This “moonshot mentality” isn’t simply about setting lofty goals; it’s about believing in the impossible and relentlessly pursuing it. It is inspiring to all who witness it: not just their teams, but the world, with their infectious enthusiasm and unwavering commitment to their vision.

Service Beyond Self-Interest

No matter how great their wealth and success, true leaders are not motivated solely by personal gain. I recognized this in Elon’s unwavering commitment to free speech via his acquisition of X just as I do in Blake’s dedication to security and equity in the digital realm: their driving force lies in a profound sense of service to humanity.

This “service DNA” manifests in their leadership styles. Both are known for their relentless work ethic, demanding everything from themselves and their teams. They embrace a culture of rapid iteration and fearless experimentation, unafraid to fail and adapt as they pursue their visions. At the same time, they prioritize the well-being of their communities and employees.

In addition to his work on sustainability for the entire planet, Elon Musk is renowned for creating work environments where individuals deliver astonishing results way past where anyone else would have believed possible. Before starting his company, Blake fought for his country in Iraq as an infantry officer, earning a Bronze Star with Valor and becoming so successful in his mission that our allies inserted their special operators to learn how he was doing it.

Elon Musk and Blake Hall

Today, nearly 1 in 3 Americans have credentials in ID.me’s Digital Wallet to securely verify their identity across 30 states, 14 federal agencies, and 500+ name-brand retailers, all while keeping their data safe from brokers or credit bureaus. Blake spearheaded his company’s “No Identity Left Behind” initiative, which ensures Americans of all backgrounds have equal access to essential digital services. And talk about Elon’s impact on the well-being of all: Tesla has sold nearly 5 million vehicles so far and transformed the public perception of electric cars, paving the way for a more sustainable environment; Starlink provides internet service reliably and affordably to places no other service can reach; and of course, through SpaceX, Elon is seeking to make humans an interplanetary species.

I am excited to witness the emergence of an incredible world of technological progress that impacts all of mankind driven by leaders like Elon and Blake.

Transparency and Trust: The Core of Effective Leadership

The captivating conversations with Elon and Blake that day reminded me that great leaders are exceptional communicators who inspire with their passion and conviction. Elon uses social media to connect directly with his audience, offering unfiltered glimpses into his ambitious projects and sparking global conversations. Blake, through leadership articles and public speaking engagements, educates the public on the importance of digital identity and advocates for individual agency and equity in the online world.

Speaking truth to power is not an easy feat. Blake was the first whistle-blower to alert the U.S. government of rampant pandemic benefits fraud and stood his ground in the face of congressional investigations and accusations that he inflated his estimates for personal gain. Today, we know that Blake’s estimates were accurate, and that the company helped save hundreds of billions of federal and state dollars from bad actors and foreign adversaries. Elon’s efforts to make the world a better place in the face of opposition are too numerous to name, and his openness about his intentions and outcomes has helped him come out on top every time.

Transparency in leadership builds trust and fosters a sense of shared purpose. By openly sharing their goals, challenges, and even failures, great leaders create a powerful narrative that invites the world to join their journey. It sometimes takes a while to get that support, but daring innovation coupled with unusual persistence will win the day.

Complementary to the transparency was their mannerism — I watched Elon and Blake interact with hundreds of people throughout the day from selfie “endless loops” to the various staff members assisting their visit, and I was impressed with how humble and just plain nice they were with every single person. Again, inspiring.

Visionaries for a Better Tomorrow: The Shared Mission

The convergence of Elon’s and Blake’s leadership philosophies — marked by a moonshot mentality, service orientation, and transparent engagement — offers a blueprint for aspiring change-makers.

Because it is intrinsically motivated by the common good, extraordinary leadership does indeed prevail in the face of aggressive competitors who try to tear them down and misguided politicians who create unnecessary obstacles. In a world dominated by short-term thinking and self-interest, they offer a beacon of hope and remind us that the potential for transformative change lies within each of us.

As I looked out at the sold-out stadium of 65,000+ Army cadets, Navy midshipmen, active-duty servicepeople, police, and all their family members and friends cheering for the teams battling on the field and just as excited to shake hands with Elon, I saw a unified crowd eager to embrace these powerful leaders and join them in building a better future for all.

Me, David McCormick (U.S. Senate candidate for Pennsylvania), and Elon.

I am grateful that leaders like Elon and Blake call this country their home, and are championing advancements for a safer, more prosperous and purposeful nation. Their stories should encourage us to pursue transformative goals for the greater good.

That is exactly what we are doing at Moonshots Capital.


I am an investor in Blake Hall’s company ID.me as an angel investor since 2010, as well as through Moonshots Capital-led syndicate vehicles and our Funds II and III. I am not a direct shareholder in any of Elon Musk’s businesses… yet.

Moonshots Capital is a veteran-founded venture capital firm that invests in early-stage startups with extraordinary leaders.
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Kelly Perdew
Leadership Prevails

General Partner at Moonshots Capital, 10x Entrepreneur, Winner of The Apprentice - Season 2, Father of Twins