Portfolio Company Spotlight: Catalog

Moonshots Capital
Leadership Prevails
3 min readAug 13, 2019
Pictured above are Catalog Co-Founders, Jacobo Lumbreras (left) and Patrick Ip (right)

Catalog was founded in December 2016 by Jacobo Lumbreras and Patrick Ip. Catalog automates photoshoots for consumer brands and they are the fastest and most affordable way to get professional photos and videos. We caught up with portfolio company Catalog. Read more below!

What motivated you to create Catalog?

“As a Global Product Lead at Google, I saw firsthand how advertisers struggled to get photos and videos to run ads. In fact, it was one of the top churn reasons for advertisers. This was a growing problem for Google, and I knew Catalog could solve it.”

Catalog now enables teams to leave precise feedback on every photo.

What do you see as the future of mar-tech (marketing technology)? Of creative agencies?

“The psychology of how brands traditionally buy agency services, like photos and videos, is changing. We see a trend that people want to be able to purchase agency services faster, at lesser cost, and with the option of self-service. They want to just be able to order things online without talking to people, instead of having to do several rounds of sales meetings.”

Enter, Catalog. With Catalog, clients receive a catalog of images that fit their vision, while Catalog’s software predicts the future content needs of a client’s brand.

Teams can also view all content productions for both in-house and through Catalog.

How has Catalog changed since its first round of seed funding, lead by Moonshots Capital?

“The Company has stepped up in every way. Since last August when we launched as Catalog. Our ambitions have grown to not only being the default provider of quality photos and videos, but also to be the software that powers all professional content production. Today, Catalog has six full-time staff members, over 60 contractors, and five vendor partners. Our operation has grown exponentially over the last two years, when we were two people working out of a dining room.”

What makes you most excited about the LA tech scene? Why LA in general?

“We were originally based in San Francisco, but moved our entire team to Los Angeles as part of our deal with Moonshots Capital. We haven’t looked back since. The LA community is more vibrant with creatives, sector collaboration, and talent that is hungry to make the next biggest thing.”

Ask: Catalog is currently hiring and is always looking for great team members to join the team. They are currently hiring for several roles, including a Business Development Representative, Account Executive, and an Art Director. You can view all open roles here.



Moonshots Capital
Leadership Prevails

Moonshots Capital is a VC firm that invests in extraordinary leadership, founded by military veterans who have been investing in leading startups since 2004.